Chapter 7

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Elijah's POV

Kandy really needs to stop talking to me. To be honest, she kind of scares me. If I make her mad, I'm afraid she'll ruin my life. Well, maybe I already made her mad. I'm not exactly doing what she told me to do. Can I really get Reagan away from Demetri? Why does Kandy want her away from Demetri anyway? Kandy just confuses the hell out of me.

During Lunch, I see Demetri walk away from Reagan. I finally have a chance to talk to her. Demetri hasn't left her alone all day. I walk up to her table and sit down.

"Hey, E," she says.

"Hey Reagan."

"What's up?"

"I don't like him," I tell her. She just sighs. I'm probably annoying her.

"Why?" She asks.

"I don't trust him."

"He doesn't trust you."

"Why not?"

"He thinks that you might get in between me and him. But, I told him that nothing will happen between you and me." Well, that hurt my feelings.

"And why would nothing happen between us?" I ask. She just stares at me in shock. She looks extremely confused.

" know."

"No, I really don't know."

"Because you're gay." Wait, what exactly did I just hear?

"What?" I shout at her. She looks even more shocked. Does she honestly think I'm gay? What the actual hell?

"You're gay. Aren't you?"

"No!" I yell. I am really pissed off. I wasn't in the friend zone. I was in the damn gay-zone.

"Well, I just thought..."  I didn't even wait to hear the rest of her sentence. I just walked away. How could she think I'm gay? What did I do to make her think that? Wow, I'm pissed. 

As I am walking out the cafeteria, I see Autumn sitting at a table by herself. Does Autumn think I'm gay? Would it be weird if I asked her?

Autumn's POV

What was Elijah yelling at Reagan about? He looks really mad at her. Well, he's probably going to get over it. He likes Reagan too much to stay mad at her for long. 

I'm happy about our relationship though. We were hanging out all weekend. I got to know him a lot more. He is so funny. So is Riley. They were fighting almost all weekend. She would always make jokes about us and he would always make her stop. Elijah would tackle her if she went a little too far. Riley's a tough girl.

"Hey autumn," I hear Elijah say. He just pops up everywhere! I turn around and I see him.

"Hey Elijah," I say.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Nothing much. I'm going to the abortion clinic today."

"Oh. Do you have anybody to go with?"


"Can I come with you?"


"Do you think I'm gay?" he asks. Well, that was random. Never in a million years would I think that he was gay.


"I'm sorry it's so random. I have a good reason for the question."

"No. I don't think you are gay. Are you?"

"No no no. I was talking to Reagan and she thinks I'm gay. That's probably why she doesn't like me." I try not to, but I start laughing.

"Why would she think that?" I ask while laughing.

"It's not funny," he says while laughing. "I don't know why she thinks I'm gay. Probably because most of my friends are girls."

"Believe me. You are far from gay," I say.

"Thanks. That means a lot to me," he says with a laugh. I can't believe Reagan thought he was gay.

Reagan's POV 

I feel really bad. All this time, I had thought that Elijah was gay. He must be really pissed off. But, now that I think about it, I had no reason to think he was gay. He never told me. He doesn't act gay. Maybe it's because he always calls me beautiful and pretty. I just thought that was something a gay friend would do. Wow. I feel really stupid.

"What is Elijah mad about?" Dem asks me as he sits down next to me.

"Do you think Elijah's gay?" I ask him.

"Um no."

"Well, I did and that's why he is mad at me," I say. Dem looks like he is about to burst out in laughter. "Dem, it's not funny."

"I know, I know," he says. his face is bright red. "I'm sorry, I have to go." He gets up and starts walking out of the cafeteria. Am I the only person who thought he was gay? I see a girl named Brystal walk past. She knows Elijah. Maybe she knows if he's gay or not.

"Hey Brystal," I say.

"Oh. Hey Reagan."

"Do you think Elijah is gay?" I ask her.

"Um no. I thought he liked you," she says as she walks away. Oh my God.

Demetri's POV

I cannot believe Reagan thought Elijah was gay. I can understand that she might not have known that he liked her but really? Elijah being gay? That was priceless. As soon as I get into the hallway, I start cracking up. People look at me like I'm crazy but if they knew about what just happened, they would be laughing too. I walk to my locker and I see Kandy.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks.

"Reagan thought Elijah was gay," I say in between laughs. She starts laughing too after she looks confused for a few seconds.

"Is that why she's the only person that doesn't know he likes her?" She asks.


"Wow. She's...special," she says.

"Real special."

"So what's been going on lately? You haven't talked to me all weekend." Wow. I didn't even realize it.

Kandy's POV

"I was hanging out with Reagan," he says. Wow. What a slap in the face? I feel like crying. Or punching a wall. But, I can't let him know that.

"Oh I thought you died or something," I say with a laugh. I'm lucky I'm a good actress or he would be able to tell that I liked him.

"I'm sorry I kind of ignored you," he says.

"It's okay. I was busy," I lie.

"Oh okay," he says. "I have to go. Talk to ya later." He walks away. He ignored me for his bitch? What the hell? I am so mad I could just...

I punch the wall and my hand goes through. Wow, I'm strong. I'm kind of proud of myself. I should probably leave before the school makes me pay for this. Some girls start staring at me from across the hall.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I ask them. They walk, almost run away "That's right, bitches. Walk away."

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