Chapter Seven

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Be Aradia Megido~

"Yes.. I kn0w this, Equius, but it's n0t that easy. I can't just go out and say it!" Equius is driving me crazy. I told him the situation with me and Sollux, about our relationship I mean.

Sollux is a wonderful guy and everything, but I feel like he just doesn't tell me everything. Yesterday, I walked into 'our room' and he immediately slammed his computer then he told me he was going to Eridan's, then left.

Seriously. I need advice, and I wasn't about to go to Kanaya. "D==>Aradia, you and that lowb100d-"

"S0llux..." I cut in.

"D==> Yes, him. Anyway, as I was saying, you and Sollux, are two very different trolls. Maybe your heart is telling you this isn't right.."
He began to sweat so I grabbed the towel to his left and started wiping him down.

"I think I understand what y0u're saying.. Thanks Equius.." I gently kissed his cheek. I just kissed his cheek, because I'm pretty sure he's flushed for Nepeta, so I didn't want us to be awkward...

"D==> See you tomorrow?" I swiftly nodded, standing up as he did. "G00dbye, Equius." I walked out the door and started walking to Tavros' hive.

Be Meena~

Da fuck? we will be-

Okay, that was very triggering..


Sorry I hung out with Kankri yesterday.

So smooth

I like to think so.

Whatever, let's have a shocking suprise POV.


You have to let me be the one to say it

No. Fucking. Way.

Then we can just argue all through this Chapter.

Ugh!! I hate you!!



Be John~~~

"J8hn n8.. Y8u're n8t ready.." Vriska said. Not ready? I'm ready. "Vrisk,we've been through this, I'm ready." She smiled. "8kay..." She ran up to me and pushed me against the wall behind me.

I roughly kissed her, finding her sweet spot in between her neck and her cheek. She let out a soft moan I began to wrap her legs around my waist, carrying her into my bedroom.

I plopped her on my bed and-

Okay let's not be John!

Oh well oops! I didn't know he was.. Yeah

Okay, I'm choosing for a while, I don't trust you anymore...


Be Sollux~~

"Hey, ED." I smiled walking into his hive. He grunted. "Hello, Sol. Do come in.." He joked and I laughed. I've spent a lot of time with him since me and AA hooked up, and he's been pretty cool.

"May I ask wwhy you're her today?" I smirked sitting on his couch. "Bored. A2. Fuck." He laughed sitting next to me when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I said.

"0h y0u actually picked up!"

"Hey AA, and yeah..why wouldn't II?"

" I d0n't kn0w, listen S0llux I need t0 tell y0u s0mething.."

"Okay, 2hoot."

"I'm dumping y0u."

I jumped up. "Waiit! What!!!!?????"

"I'll explain later, bye!"

She dumped me. Then hung up on me. Just like that. Didn't stutter or anything just.. Right on the spot.

"Sol, are you okay?" A voice echoed. "II'm fuckiing fiine.." My voice cracked as I said fine. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hug me. I buried my face into ED's shoulder and started crying.

He patted my back. "It's okay.. It's okay.." He soothingly whispered and was kinda cradling me. When he said that I felt like it was okay. E some how gave me hope.

I looked up and kissed him. His eyes opened wide as I did so. "Wwhat wwas that?" He said as I pulled away. "Thank you." I said nuzzling back into his arms. He didn't say anything after that. Then I jumped back into reality.

"Oh. My. Gog! II'm 2o 2orry!" I stood up and started to leave and he grabbed my arm. "For wwhat?" He pulled me down back on his lap.

I struggled to stand. "For kii22iing you... IIt wa2 the 2tre22 from AA... II'm 2orry-" I stood up and walked out of his hive.

I wasn't sure where I was going. I just kept walking until I found myself outside of AA's house. I placed my ear against the door and heard no sound. I reached my hand on the knob and it opened.

Dumb bitch, I thought to myself. I looked around and started hearing muffled noises coming from upstairs(headcanon they all have an upstairs).

The closer I got upstairs, the louder it got. I opened the door to find AA and-

"Holy 2hiit!!"

Hey! So yeah this was another short chapter, don't worry, next chapter will be the longer.. I promise.

Enjoy this update! PeAcE oUt MoThEr FuCkErS! :o)

(Jk I love yall)

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