Chapter Eight

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Be little nubs himself

Ugh.. Rude~

"Yeah.." I quietly swooned over Dave. He just finished telling everyone we were together. "TH4T'S SO CUT3!" Terezi complimented. "::3 Mew guys are purrfect fur each other!" Nepeta squealed.

To be honest, I was a little freaked out that it went so well.. Well except Sollux and John. They both sat in a corner staring at everyone intently. I'm not sure what was wrong with Sollux, he was happy when me and Terezi were in the red.. I what's different is his time?

Dave sat next to me with his hand in mine, but nobody noticed. I looked at my buzzing phone.

Stay away from Dave, Karkat.


That's not important, stay away from Dave!

I put my phone back in my pocket. I noticed that John had done the same, wiggling to put his phone in his pocket. So it's John? Whatever, John doesn't really scare me as much as Jack or sober Gamzee.

"Karkat," Dave whispered. Everyone was in a circle talking about me and him. "Yeah??" I tried to stay in a whisper time like Dave's.

"Wanna ditch this place and get something to eat?" I nodded and we both stood up. We were almost to the door when Sollux touched my shoulder.

"Where are you two goiing?" He said, his voice normal. Dave didn't talk. He just slowly moved his hand to him mouth and rubbing his stomach. "2o you're hungry?? Well why don't I go wiith you?"

What's Sollux's problem today? You'd think he'd be happy for me, now he won't let me and Dave have alone time to fucking eat?! What. The. Fuck!

"Nah man it's cool," Dave said turning around to open the door. "YEAH, ILL SEE YOU LATER, FUCK ASS." And then Dave locked the door behind and shut it.

"What's up with John and Sollux?" Dave asked as we walked. "I DONT FUCKING KNOW.." I stopped in my tracks and looked at Dave. He stopped as well and faced me. "What?" He asked with confusion.

Be Dave~

But we're always him

Yes but we need to be him


Ugh. You'll see

Okay. Be Dave ~

"What?" I asked looking at him. He was just staring at me. He walked closer to me and reached his hand out. He barely touched my glasses before I softly grabbed his hand and moved it.

"COME ON, DAVE! IM GOING TO SEE THEM ANYWAY. MIGHT ASWELL BE NOW RIGHT?" I sighed knowing he was probably right. 

I looked around making sure no one way watching. I grabbed his arm and ran under a tree. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" He said crossing his arms. "You want to see them. Right?" He nodded. I grabbed, what I call the arm, of my shades and closed my eyes ready for him to run away.

But I took them off and opened my eyes. Karkat stood in shock. His mouth was half open and his eyes were as big as it gets. "I know, I know they're-"


"Buh-what?" I stuttered. Did he call them pretty? I would expect that from John, but not Karkat.

"They're pretty." His voice was soft. I'd never heard his voice like this.. Is this what he sounds like calm?

"They're not pretty.. They're a disgrace to the world. No body has red eyes!" He half chuckled. "No body on my planet has red blood either." I looked down. That's what color his blood was. Red. Like my eyes.

I looked at him and bent down placing a kiss on his lips before grabbing my shades and putting them back on. "SO WHERE YOU WANNA GO, FUCKASS?" Ah yes, back to normal.

I reached for his hand and we walked down to Subway. It's amazing he didn't know these restaurants. It's crazy.

We ordered and sat down to eat. I kept smiling at him and he gave me a weird look. "WHAT?" I laughed and shook my head. "Nothin' " I ate with him but still looked at him every now and then.


After we ate we headed to my house. Me and Karkat planned to watch a movie, we were rocking back and forth on which movie though. I wanted horror, he wanted rom-coms. I finally settled for an action movie. But Karkat was still kinda upset about the movie.

Be The Troll With Red Blood~

Their are three of them..

Fine be Karkat Again~

I was still upset about the movie, but like half way through it, Dave slowly leaned down onto my lap. I heard small snores and I knew that he fell asleep.

His shades fell off his face and he looked adorable. I smiled a kissed his cheek.

I placed my arm on top of his side after picking up his shades. A smile speared on his face. One of his eyes opened and he looked at me. "Do you like the-" his eye closed and he started snoring again. That was fucking weird. I stood up and placed his hand on a pillow on the couch.

I braced myself for how much this would hurt in the morning. But when I picked up Strider, he was light. I carried him upstairs and lay him on his bed. I went on the other side and fell asleep on his arms.

Let's see what happened with Sollux..

Yeah I guess..

Bee Sollux Captor!


My mind stopped as my heart shattered. "S0llux!! It's n0t what it l00ks like!" Aradia panicked. She was laying side by side with Equius. Both of them had grabbed the blanket and covered themselves, a bucket in the corner of the room.

I turned around and headed out. Aradia chased me and grabbed my arm. "S0llux, listen t0 me!" I didn't talk. I knew If I did, my words would make KK seem as sweet as an angel. "S0LLUX!" I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly. "S0LLUX L00K AT ME!" I can't-

"WHY ON THII2 EARTH WOULD II DO THAT!? YOU TOLD ME WE WERE OVER AND I CAN 2EE WHY! II NEVER 2HOULD HAVE TRUSTED YOU! YOU, you..." A tear streamed down my face. "You poi2ionou2 biitch! You're wor2e then VK!" I was full out crying now. My eyes were now under the control of my heart.

AA look sad. Good.

I ran out of her hive and just kept running.


"Howdy there sir, what can I do you for?" An old man said as I walked into a little store. "II ju2t need 2ome water.." I sighed and he smiled. "No can do my boy! All we gotz here is soda and juice."

"Okay.. How much?" He shook his head. "You seem like a nice feller, it'll be on da house." I smiled sadly. "Thank2, 2ir." I grabbed a dr. Pepper and headed out. I saw a sign that said I was in a small town called Gingerfeild.


Now I have to go back home. Maybe this can be like a vacation for me.. Yeah.. I can text KK and tell him I'm gonna clear my head for a bit.. Which wouldn't be a lie... Yup... I'll just text him right now.

Hey KK II'm gonna bee out of town for a while.. II'm gonna clear my head from 2tuff.. Call or text me when you get thii2 me22age.. Bye!

Okay so, new update! I finally finished this chapter! Sorry for taking so long.. I'm still in school and its sucks.

I never noticed the comments in the last chapter, but when I did this morning I was like 'Must Update!' So yeah... Hope you enjoyed this update..

PeAcE oUt My SpIdEr BiTcHeS!

(And maybe some-) hIgH aS fUcK bRo'S!

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