Element XXIX

393 27 5

Swallowing, I felt like cotton was shoved deep into my mouth.

Licking my lips, I tried again and still no relief.
Clearing my throat, I opened my eyes and tried to make out the shapes above me.

Everything was cast in an amber glow and I couldn't get my eyes to focus on anything. Shutting them, I took a deep breath and settled my mind before I attempted again.
Slowly opening them a second time, I allowed them to adjust to the room first.

I seemed to be in some kind of domed house. The walls we smoothed wood and dried herbs hung from string above me. Turning my head to the left, I watched the fire dance among the logs in the middle of the room casting shadows on the various objects surrounding the walls.
Ceramic pots and wooden bowls were among the many things inside the small space.

Slowly, I began to sit up.

Pushing off from the bed beneath me, my heart beat pounded in my head with the change in position. Grabbing my temples, I gritted my teeth against the pain and waited for it to pass.
Once it became bearable, I shifted my legs and swung them over the edge of the bed. I seemed to be laying on a shelf built off of the wall.
Looking down, I was in a long skirt and simply a wrap around my chest. I saw extensive bruising all over my body.

Finding purchase, I began to push myself forward when a loud noise broke me from my concentration.

Jumping in surprise, the jolt caused my body to tense in pain and I wrapped an arm around my ribs.

"Wat in the name of all that is natural are you doin'?"

Looking up, I was just able to make out the silhouette of what appeared to be a small plump women cast in the shadows from the lights behind her.

"First I pulls you from the ground, tend to yer wounds, take care of you day and night and this is how you thank me? By getting out of bed when no one is around to help you? What if you got hurt young lady or fell? It would be yer fault and I would be forced to take care of ya again!" Throwing up her hands, the door behind her suddenly closed and seemed to disappear within the wall.

Trying not to stare, I immediately closed my mouth and took in the women before me.
Standing at about 5 foot 2, she had frizzy light brown hair and penetrating blue eyes. She seemed very natural to me and I wouldn't be surprised if she made her own clothes.

"Where...am I?" I whispered. My voice seemed to have left me.

"Safe dear. That's all you need to know now." Crossing the room, she put her hand on my face seeming to check the temperature.
"Aye the fevers gone. That's good." Turning towards the fire, she dropped the things held in her arms and picked up a stick to poke the fire.

"I hope your hungry girl. Nothing will put you back on your feet like a good meal." Walking to a small shelf, she began to gather items and put it in a pot.

"You know, when I found you, I thought you were good for dead ehh. I herd tha rumble and I thought to meself, 'wat was that?' So, I grabbed me stuff and I went for a look. I found the ground turned upside down and I thought, maybe nature was redecorating." Chuckling to herself, she put the pot over the fire and continued to adjust the wood underneath.

"I had been watchin' them rouges for weeks and suddenly, there was nothing. I thought 'aye, them flee bags finally did themselves in they did.' You know I almost left ya there?"

"I was turnin' to go back home and I heard a slight whimper and there you were. Right on top of all the ruble. I swear me eyes have never seen that before. One second there's nothin' than suddenly there's you!"

"I thought to meself best to leave you there, I thought you might ave been one of them mongrels but then I saw them marks on your arm and I knew there was more to ya."

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