Chapter 4 - "Proposals, and Headaches..."

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Chapter 4 - "Proposals, and Headaches..."

Clara's PoV t

Lilly was on the early shift this morning and I was on the late. Amy had stayed at Rory's that night and so I was on my own when I woke.

My head hurt a bit, and I felt a bit sick again this morning but otherwise I knew I had to pull myself out of bed.

I braced myself for an interesting complexion in the mirror and wasn't disappointed by the sight that I saw.

I looked gross.

I cleaned myself up a bit and got dressed in something clean.

As I flicked the kettle on, there was a tap on the door.

I opened it and stared at the sight before me. 'Morning'

'Hi' I responded shocked and looked at him for a lot longer than was acceptable.

He winced and gently lifted his hand to my forehead.

He brushed the loose strand of my fringe out of the way and smiled. 'That looks sore'

'Well it does hurt. But it's fine' I said and leant on the door.

'Why are you here?'

'Well, now I know where you live... And I refrained from a late evening of shelf building... I wanted to take you for breakfast. Kind of an apology I guess'

'You've got to stop apologising. It was just an accident' I said rolling my eyes.

'Wanna come in?' I then said without thinking and he probably thought I was being way to forward.

'Sure' he responded stepping past me and stood in the lounge.

'Want the grand tour?' I asked jokingly and pointed at the three doors. 'Lilly and Amy's room. My room, and the kitchen'

'Lilly and Amy share a room?'

'Yeah. Ever since the bre-- Since I moved in, they agreed they both have boyfriends and spend the night at theirs. They still live here but have a system, of the sofa or my floor'

I almost let slip my awful past but there's no way I'm ready for that.

It's true to say that 7 months back I was a mess and needed my own space, so Lilly moved in with Lilly and it's been that way ever since.

'Is your flat two bedrooms?'

'Yeah. But I don't share a flat. I just use it to dump stuff in. Maybe I'll get a room mate in the future' he noted.

He brushed past my almost slip and didn't question it, so I led him to the kitchen and re boiled the kettle.

'Did you want anything to eat?'

'No. Just tea. Milk... No sugar' he said smugly. 'How is your head?'

'Sore. I have a headache but it's fine'

'Well I'm sorry again' he said sadly.

'If you say sorry one more time. I will make sure that I slam a door in your face'

'Point taken' he smiled back, as I poured a bowl of cereal.

'Want some coco pops?' I asked being a gracious host but knew he probably wouldn't want any.

'Coco Pops? How old are you?'

'Clearly not the five star dining your used to knocking up' I laughed.



'I have a proposal'

'Okay' I said nervously.

'Do you want to come to mine tomorrow night?'

'What for?'

'Well I've got a couple of shelves that need putting up still, and I figured I could cook or we could order pizza?'

'Are you asking me on a date?'

'Umm. No just as friends' he responded quickly, trying to escape the awkward moment he had just created.

'Okay. Sounds good to me' I smiled and stood up.

'Ready for work?'

We got to work and I went to the back office where Lilly was waiting for me.

'Here's your post'

'Thanks' I said flicking through and I could see her looking at me intently.

'Well?' She asked.


'The assignment... How did you do?'

'Oh' I said and opened the white envelope that she had obviously considered opening before I got here but decided against it.

'I passed. I've been accepted for the teacher training course after Christmas' I said excitedly and she jumped in to hug me.

'I'm so bloody happy for you' she grinned.

'Thanks lil' I smiled.

'Oi. Gossip girls, there's three tables out here waiting' Nina yelled.

'Ugh. I hate this job' I groaned, slouching on the sofa Friday afternoon.

'At least you have tomorrow off' Amy said. 'There's three party's of 12 tomorrow' 

'To be honest... I might just work anyway and get overtime'

I'm trying to save for a lot at the moment and rent isn't cheap, even if it is going 3 ways.

'Where are you going?' Lilly asked. 'It's biscuits, tea and films night'

'It's Friday night. I'm umm-- going out'

'You haven't been out on a Friday night since you were 14, where are you going?' Lilly asked insistently.

'Okay. Maybe I'm going to John's. But it's just as a friends thing' I said defensively.

'The fact that you need to clarify that tells me you'd rather it be more than friends'

'He said it was just friends... And he's a cool guy, so why not?'

'Tenner she sleeps with him' Lilly laughed at Amy and Amy snapped her head up to look at me.

'Lil' Amy warned.

'What--? Oh my god Clara. I'm-- I'm so sorry' she said and for once in my life I so badly wanted to punch her.

'Your-- your right. I'm umm. Not ready for a date' I said nervously.

'Calm down Clara. You said it's not a date... And you don't need to take it any further than you want. He's not him. He won't take advantage of you'

'How do you know that?' I whispered

'He's Richards best mate, and I trust Richard' she assured.

'And if you get scared or nervous, or just read the signals wrong. I'm just next door. I'll come and get you' Amy said encouraging me to go.

I need to get past this, but even with all the theory and help, I'm still a nervous wreck.

I just don't know if I'm ready.

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