Chapter 26 - "Waffles..."

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Chapter 26 - "Waffles..."

Clara's PoV

I went into my kitchen and I had a feeling she was following me, and she stood nervously in the doorway.

I wasn't really sure what to do, and was hoping at some point today that the moment would click where we would get along, so decided to break the ice.

'Do you want a drink? I've got juice'

'Do you have a TV?'

'Yes. It has children's channels' I said and she looked a bit cheerier then, but she came into the kitchen.

'Can you help me on the chair pease?' She asked, mainly because it was a stool and she was too short to reach.

I lifted her up and got some stuff out the cupboard. 'So what do you want on your waffle?' I asked putting things on the side.

Peanut butter, Jam, chocolate spread and whipped cream.

'Can I try peanut butter and Chocolate? She asked and so I spread that on the waffle and we are in a dignified silence.

'Can I watch TV now?' She asked and I nodded taking her through and flicking it on.

I headed out of the room and into the bathroom.

I wished to God that Lilly was here, or Richard or John. Even Amy... Anyone that would be able to help to entertain a 4 year old.

I sighed and left the bathroom, only to find that Avia was vomiting.

'I want Daddy' she cried and things could not be worse. I've made his daughter sick. I've broken his daughter.

I didn't know what to do, so sort of looked down her bag he packed for something to comfort her and came across a pen.

'Oh I don't believe this' he is so going to get an earful tonight.

'Are you okay?' I asked her as she put her head in my lap and began trying to ring the doctors.

'I didn't mean to be sick' she whimpered from the sofa.

'It's not your fault. Your Dad didn't tell me you were allergic to nuts. I should have checked' I told her and was connected to the doctors surgery.

'Now if your a good girl here then we can go to the park, and get ice cream, and go to the shops and choose a toy?' I said hoping it would work.

She nodded and I was having trouble getting through to John. I know he's in school, but he could have picked up to me knowing I'm with his daughter all day.

'Afternoon' my nurse said and I smiled as Avia ran in. 'I hear someone had an allergic reaction' she said nicely and I smiled.

'I didn't know okay and can't get hold of her Dad. I just need her to have the once over and then my results' I said silently and she nodded.

'I just need you to be big and brave and have this small injection. And then you can go with your Mummy' she smiled and I was going to correct her but I didn't get there on time.

'Clara's not my Mummy. She's my Daddy's girlfriend' she said jumping on the seat and playing with her teddy.

She didn't look at all nervous for someone who was about to have an injection. If it was me I'd be freaking out.

'Which sticker do you want for being big and brave?' The nurse asked her and handed me my envelope of results. 'All is good' she whispered and crouched down to Avia.

'Can I have the one with the butterfly?' She asked rubbing her arm and I could see the tears in her eyes. I hadn't seen her so vulnerable.

Probably like her mother. So strong and puts on a facade but when it matters all she wants is her Dad.

'We'll contact Mr Smith and let him know' the nurse said and I nodded. 'Might be for the best' I agreed and took Avia out to my car.

'My arms hurts' she said and I sighed. 'How's about we go and get some lunch and then go to the shops? Get you that treat?' I said and she perked up a bit nodding.

'So what kind of toys do you like?' I asked looking at my watch. It was only 12 o clock. Still 5 more hours and dinner to go.

'I yike. Fairies and butterfly's, and teddies and hello kitty' she said happily skipping to the girls toys in Toys R us.

'Okay. Well you choose a toy then, and I'll just be her-- oh my god' I squeaked and realised my Dad was here in Toys R Us.

'Clara? What the hell are you doing in here?' He asked as he approached.

It may have slipped my mind that I hadn't told my Dad about John or Avia or travelling yet.

'I'm just browsing' I said and realised I didn't then know where Avia was. 'Oh dear god. Where the bloody hell did she go!'

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