Chapter 16 - "Travel Pick ups and Secrets..."

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Chapter 16 - "Travel, Pick ups and Secrets..."

Clara's PoV

'What do we tell them?'

'Whatever you want too' he said.

'I don't want to tell them anything. If they know we're dating things will get a hell of a lot more complicated. For now we could just keep it secret?'

'That's completely understandable. I don't mind at all' he said smiling as we headed for customs.

'Do we have anything to declare?' I asked as he dragged the suitcases.

'No. We're British citizens. Unless your carrying anything suspicious' he laughed as we went through and I could see Richard and Lilly from a mile off.

'Well I know someone who is carrying something suspicious' I flirted and he grinned but I was shocked at my forward ness.

They were arguing of course, but they immediately spotted us and Lilly came right at me.

'Clara. I missed you so much' Lilly said engulfing me in a giant hug, clearly not understanding quite what personal space means.

'I missed you too Lil. So what's gone on without me?' I asked and she led us all the way to the car without stopping talking.

Lilly's like a child sometimes. One who's wild and you can't always contain. But she means well and always has great news around the corner.

'I have something to tell you. Rather we both have something to tell you' she said nervously in our living room.

'Go on' I encouraged, having already seen the ring, so I had a pretty good idea at what she was going to say.

'Richard and I are engaged' she smiled and held her hand up towards me.

'No way. I'm so excited for you Lilly' I gasped and she grinned in all kinds of excitement. 'We have to start planning like right away' she said grabbing me and pulling me to the kitchen.

I looked back at John wanting to speak to him but he knew what Lilly was like.

When I was finally freed from planning hell, to catch up on my sleep - due to my obvious jet lag - I found a note on my dresser.

It was in a blue envelope and there was a flower on top.


Meet me on the 11th floor at half past 11 tonight. Bring some jammy dodgers.


I smiled to myself and cleaned myself up, then decided to sleep until 11 o clock.

I waited until twenty past 11 and headed up the stairs to the eleventh floor.

I sneaked out of the flat, knowing that Lilly would be asleep by now and that Amy was at Rory's again, grabbed the jammy dodgers and went.

I got to the eleventh floor and saw an arrow pointed to the fire escape.

'I found this roof when I first moved in. It's a good place to think and clear your mind. Of course I don't want you coming up here on your own, but it's a nice spot'

'Yeah. It looks it. You can see the Stars' I whispered.

'I figured it's the best place for some privacy without causing suspicion'

'It really is' I said. 'But it is cold' I complained.

'I came prepared for that' he said pointing at a space heater, that he flicked on.

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