Chapter 17 - "Lies and Christmas Decs..."

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Chapter 17 - "Lies and Christmas Decs..."

Clara's PoV

It was our Friday night meeting at the top of the building on the roof.

It was freezing mainly because it was December 10th, but that didn't matter too much because we were keeping each other warm.

'So what are you doing for Christmas this year?' He asked casually.

I looked up from his chest. 'Well I was going to have to suffer with Lilly and Richard but I might just go to my Dads'


'Well I could say I'm going to my Dads and then spend it with you' I smiled and he looked at me.


'Yeah. I don't really want to spend any time with Lilly's Family. As nice as they are there so loud' I said wincing just thinking about it.

'I have an idea' he said sitting up and grabbing his phone.

'I was warm there'

'What if I booked a hotel?'


'In London. You can say your going to Blackpool, and I can say I'm going to Chicago, and then we can spend 5 days, from December 23rd in a hotel'

'What about work? You can't say you'll be working and then go to Chicago'

'Mm. Well I'm in charge of the restaurant for those few days, but at least if we get a hotel, we won't be disturbed for 5 days by Lilly or Richard or Amy or Rory or landlords' he said excited.

'Because Lilly's going to Manchester. She's going to see her Mum and sisters with Richard' I said.

'And Amy's taking Rory to Scotland to see her Family. So we'll be alone' he smirked. 'That is... If you want to spend Christmas with me.' He then said biting his thumb.

'I'll have to see my Dad at some point over the holidays, but yeah. I want to spend Christmas with you' I grinned and stood up. 'But I do however have to go back now before Lilly wakes up'

He pouted and nodded understandingly.

'Where were you today?' I asked as I stood up.

'I had things to do' he said looking away.

'Oh. Well I hope everything was okay?'

'Oh yeah. Just fine' he smiled and leant down to kiss me, just before he wandered into his flat.

John wandered into the flat and shut the door, locking it tightly as to so that no one was to walk in.

'Hey mate' Richard smiled as he rounded the corner from the kitchen.

'How is she?'


'Ugh. This is such a mess. A week and a half before Christmas and she kills herself' John snapped and sunk into the sofa.

'It wasn't your fault. We all know that the woman was a mess' Richard agreed handing him a cup of tea.

'But it was her birthday today. Why now? Why December? What's so significant about now?' John huffed.

'What's going to happen to Avia?'

'She's going to stay at Melody's Mums for a bit. With her Nan, just over Christmas until I can sort out her moving in with me'

'A kid living with you. That's a big step'

'She has to have at least one real parent. And I'm the only one left'

'When are you doing to tell Clara?' Richard asked with care.

'Soon. Maybe after Christmas. She'll find out sooner or later though' John thought standing up and wandering to the bedroom where Avia was silently sleeping.

'Don't tell Clara or Lilly about her will you?'

'No. It's fine. I'll keep it a secret, but if you do anything to hurt Clara, so help me I will punch you in the face. So make your choices wisely'

'I always feel so good after talking to you man' John joked seriously walking away.

'What exactly are we doing?'

'Well we need to decorate this whole and turn it into somewhere that everyone will want to come too over the Christmas holidays'

'Where's everyone else? Where's Richard and Lilly and Amy?'

'Well Richard wanted me to do it - seeing as I own half of this place - and I figured you could help me'

'Okay. Where are the Decs?'

'Over there' he said as he pointed at large brown box.

'So is Christmas a big thing here then?' I asked as I climbed up on a chair and started having tinsel.

'Oh yeah. This place is famous in the local area for Christmas dinner. It's Richards famous chicken recipe. He won't even share the secret ingredient with me'

'But he's not going to be here Christmas Day?'

'I know. He knocks up his sauce a few months before. It's all part of the flavours apparently'

'I need to go Christmas shopping' I sighed and he looked at me.

'In the middle of December are you mad? Shopping centres will be packed'

'I know but I need to get some presents. Lord only knows what I'm going to buy Lilly' I grunted thinking about it.

'Here. Carry on hanging the tinsel. I'll get the tree up for the doorway' he smiled and ran into the kitchen.

It was actually quite cute and seeing him in his work uniform always made me more attracted to him.

The restaurant shuts at 11 O clock on a Wednesday night, which is why we were decorating now. He's got the day off tomorrow but I've got to work in the afternoon.



'Can I try your cool chef jacket on?' I asked practically fluttering my eyelids in persuasion.

'Why?' He asked confused but began taking it off.

'It's just... It's kind of a weakness' I said embarrassingly and felt him wrap it round me.

I pushed my arms through the arm holes and smiled. 'You look cute in it' he grinned with a childish look.

'Why thank you. You look hot in it. Actually no. You look attractive in it' I said leaning up to kiss him.

'You know what the best part of Christmas is Clara?' He asked pulling my chin up to see him eye to eye.


'Mistletoe' he said and kissed me again.

Id like to say that the kiss was all innocent, but since we have slept together, things have been rather more heated and kisses get way more intimate.

But he's never initiated anything since Chicago, and to be fair to him, I initiated it.

'Eew. I did not want to see that' someone said as the door opened. I was so absorbed in his mouth, I didn't even notice.

So I pushed him back quickly, freaking out that he had noticed, and jumped away.

'Look what you two get up to in your own time is fine. But you are supposed to be decorating' Richard said.

I looked at John and he didn't seem remotely concerned that Richard had just seen us kissing.

'He knows Clara. He found me sneaking out to the roof one Friday and I had to tell him' John said in his defence.


'Don't worry I haven't told Lilly. She still thinks your way to fragile to handle anything about life yet. But I think your doing just fine' Richard smiled complementing me.

'Right. Who wants to decorate the tables in tinsel?'

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