Chapter 38 - "A Diagnosis..."

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Chapter 38 - "A Diagnosis..."

Clara's PoV

'Well how was it?' I asked as he came through the door. I could see that Avia wasn't behind him but I figured he'd dropped her off at her Nan's.

He was strangely silent and just went to the kettle in my flat and stared making tea.

'John? What is it? Was it something bad?' I asked panicking now.

'Yes' was all he said and I could see his face was full of concern but then he lifted his head properly. He looked straight at me and I could see the tears stinging his eyes.

'It's okay to let it go' I said trying in some way to assure him. Whatever it was he would get through I just know he would. 'Come and sit down' I said and pulled him to the sofa.

I made the cup of tea and handed it too him. His hand however was shaking so I decided to take the cup and placed it on the coffee table.

'Leukaemia' he whispered and I just about made it out.

But I knew what it meant.

I knew what he was saying.

'She's got cancer? She's 4?' I cried.

'I'm more than aware of that' he snapped and stood up. I looked at him apologetically and he calmed down.

'I'm sorry. It's not your fault' he said as he sat back down again. 'I should have paid more attention' he said sadly.

'Where is she?'

'At a friends. She asked if she could go and I said no, but might as well let her live before her whole life is taking away from her at the age of 4'

'She's not going anywhere. You'll get through this... We'll get through this - if you want'

He looked up. 'You want to get involved in all this shit?

'I already am involved. I took her to that original Doctors appointment' I pointed out. 'I'm going to be here through this' I assured him.

'Well she doesn't have a Mum anymore so might as well let you help' he said and I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or an insult. I don't want to be a replacement Mum, but I do understand what she's going through.

'When are they starting treatment?' I asked.

'Next week. They said she'll be treated as an outpatient but she'll need to be there three if not four days a week. It's going to put pay to her nursery life, and we've got appointments at schools next week to decided where she'll go. God it's all such a mess' he said placing his head in his hand.

I just rubbed his shoulder in hope that might help a little, but I'm sure it was making things worse.

'Four weeks - 3 months is how long this stage typically takes' the nurse said as we sat in the office. 'Now the first stage is chemotherapy which I'm keen to get started. She'll need to stay at the hospital for at least a week before we can outpatient her because her immune system will drop. It means that she'll have to be really careful in school'

'Great' John sighed and I placed my hand on his knee for comfort.

'She'll need regular blood transfusions during treatment which has complications itself, but after every transfusion - she'll be so much better and more herself for a few days'

'Okay. Date?'


'A date for the week in hospital' John asked.

'Yeah umm. June 10th. She can start June 10th which is next Monday' she said typing away. 'And we'll do a pre op assessment that day' she said as if that will make things easier. 'She'll be on the children's ward so she'll be able to see other children and have a nurse assigned to just her. And she can bring things from home as long as there sterilised first. You can stay with her overnight, which will probably make t easier' she said and they finished hashing out all the details and John was panicking about explaining it all too her.

'Oh my God. Your not kidding' Lilly said a little sadly.

'Look the reason I'm telling you is because I'm gonna need some time off. At the very least next week, but she is my priority and I have to be there for her' John said.

'Anything man. Anything you need' Richard said and I could tell he was thinking about Avia and how horrible it would be if she didn't survive.

'We've set a date' Lilly whispered and Richard slapped her on the back of the head.

'Go ahead' John said silently but knew why she was saying. Avia was looking so forward to being their flower girl, and really is excited about being a bridesmaid.

'December 15th. It's a Saturday' she said like that was going to make it any better.

'I'm really glad for you guys, now I have to go and pack a bag for Avia' he said trying to escape.

'He's having a hard time processing this' I pointed out.

'Well it's quite a lot and she's his daughter. She's all he's got family wise. He doesn't really speak to his own family any more' Lilly pointed out.

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