Chapter 33 - "What happens in Vegas... Stays in Vegas...?"

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Chapter 33 - "What happens in Vegas... Stays in Vegas...?"

Clara's PoV

I woke up but couldn't actually see my eyes were so clouded.

I could feel an awful pounding in my head, but I think that was the pounding in someone else's head.

Everything about me hurt, and ached, my thighs, my head, my waist and my wrists. I attempted to roll over and was met by an sweaty lump in my bed.

Just the whiff of alcohol that radiated off of him told me that I was hungover and so I jumped out of bed, bolting very quickly for the bathroom.

'Here. Water helps' John said as I gagged a little and finished retching in the toilet for a moment.

'Deer god I feel shit' I groaned and leaned my head against the wall. 'Have a shower. That normally helps a hangover' he assured me.

'What's the time?'

'8am. I don't think we've even slept 4 hours. Your probably still drunk' he said and began brushing his teeth.

'Are you not hungover?' I groaned as I managed to push myself off the floor and leant on the door frame, before collapsing in the bed.

'Nah. I've been way more drunk than that' he said and opened a plastic bag loudly, and collected all the beer cans. 'Plus you drank way more than me Clara. 75% of the cans on this floor are yours' he pointed out but I was too hungover to care.

'Come on. Get up. Breakfast is only until 11 and I know that food will make you better. We'll buy some paracetamol en route' he promised.

I managed to pull myself out of the bed, and threw a thick hoodie and leggings on. And he looked at me.

'I'm going for breakfast... Not tea and sandwiches with the queen' I grumbled, and followed him out the door.

The light wasn't helping, and the smell of eggs made me want to gag, but the fresh air that I got - even though it was humid - was really nice.

'What do you want?' He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 'No eggs. Anything but eggs' I begged.

I made the decision that we would sit outside because the air really was helping, and was thankful when my pot of coffee appeared in front of me.

It burnt my throat, but that's probably the after taste of vodka and vomit.

'Feeling any better?' He asked as I picked at some bacon and munched a slice of toast.

'Mm. A bit. But once the paracetamol kicks in... I'm sure I'll be better' I added and he smiled.

'What are you smiling at?' I asked as we headed back to the room. 'We're going to the strip. Come on. Get dressed' he instructed.

'I ain't going anywhere without having a shower' I snapped and went to the bathroom.

It was when I had stripped down and stood in front of the mirror that I noticed we must have done some bad things last night. I first caught eyes on my neck, which had numerous hickeys and marks - which would explain why the waiter was giving me strange looks - and isn't uncommon when we have sex so didn't bother me.

It was the bruises that had formed on the left hand side of my waist. It wasn't his fault, it's probably because I'm underweight and skinny and on medication - but he must have had a tight hold on me.

'John' I yelled and he ran straight into the bathroom and looked at me.

'What's up--' he cut himself off and almost looked like he might panic. 'I-- I didn't do that did I? Oh my god. But you said yes. We were both ridiculously
Drunk but you still consented' he said and was starting to think he doubted it.

'What are you talking about? Of course I consented! I just wanted to know what we did. I mean I recall tying you up, but did you tie me up?' I asked and be backed away.

'Oh my god. Lilly's going to kill me. The police are never gonna let me see you again. I'm not like him. I swear. You have to know that I didn't do this on purpose' he huffed trying to get through to me.

'Hey. Shush. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' I assured him and touched his face, lightly pecking his cheek. 'If you don't remember that's fine... But I don't resent you for this. We were both drunk' I said and turned to the bathroom.

'Clara?' He asked and I turned back round. You'd think being stark naked in front of him would put me off, but it doesn't seem to be. 'I've never noticed your back before' he said and I looked confused and then I realised.

'There just scars' I whispered and I heard him approach. He ran his hand along one of them, which went from just bellow my neck to my shoulders.

'Was this-- was this Damien?' He asked through gritted teeth.


'Why would he want to do something to someone as beautiful and innocent to you?' He growled walking away.

I knew there was a reason I covered them up.

I felt a lot better when I emerged from the bathroom 40 minutes later, with freshly curled hair hanging from my shoulders, brown shorts showing off my legs and a white short sleeved polo top on. I found my white converse tying them up and popped my sunglasses on my head.

'Okay, we can explore Vegas now' I said and he appeared in his shorts, top and white air forces. He looked so hot and smelled amazing.

'Okay' he said extending his hand and we left the room.

'What do you want to see?'

'The sun' I smirked and we spent the entire day on the strip, wandering up and down, and stopping in shops and Casinos.

We covered pretty much every Casino, which was great.

'Hey look' John said as we walked through the Vegas Mall, hand in hand. I was very happy right now.

'What?' I asked bounding to his side.

'The palm Trees. And the sun, it looks so amazing from up here' he said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled his scent.

'I love Vegas. You know... When we're not drunk and beating each other up' I joked but I felt him stiffen. 'What?'

'Don't joke about that Clara. I feel awful' he said and I looked up.

'None of those marks on my back where you. So just forget about them' I said but he winced.

'How can I forget? They looked like they would've hurt'

'They did at the time. But now there just scars'

Thankfully the rest of the day wasn't so bleak. We went to the rainforest cafe for dinner and theme wandered up the strip to a few more casinos until it started to get dark.

And I had already decided that I wanted an early night after the hangover. So we snuggled up and watched a film.

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