Chapter 7 - "Nerves, Parties and Flu..."

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Chapter 7 - "Nerves, Parties and Flu..."

Clara's PoV

The following morning, things weren't looking any better for me, but I got up anyway.

I forced my aching joints out of my bed and down to work.

I was a bit nervous about going to work today, mainly because I knew that John was going to be there.

We were both working early shifts, and so I knew I was going to bump into him.

I would love for there to be a thing between us, and there is a spark, but I don't know if I'm ready.

I didn't know why, but I was feeling extremely shit that morning. My throat was aching and felt inflamed but I powered through.

I put my regular work uniform on, but today decided to put a black turtle neck jumper on, because I felt freezing.

It was freezing outside. Which didn't help, because it was November 1st.

It wasn't really working out well for me when I got to the bus stop, especially the bus. Buses move and they don't move slowly.

I was thinking of calling it quits, but once I got to work, but I need the money.

I felt a bit better briefly when I got to work, before I had a moment where sweat overtook my face and I had to swallow desperately in an attempt to stop myself from hurtling forwards in the restaurant.

'Hey Clara. What's wrong?' Lilly asked because I had my head on the table in the back office.

I lifted it up momentarily

'Shit. You should go home. Look at the state of you' she said and I couldn't even pretend to smile or play along.

I just groaned and put my head back in my hands for the rest of my break.

'Hey Clara. You look a bit down' I heard Richard laugh.

I would have replied, but I might have vomited on him. I could feel myself shaking right now, and so I knew it was going to come up sooner rather than later.

'Please go away' I groaned and he did exactly that. 'What about "It was just alcohol" is this? Your clearly sick' John said.

I pulled some strepsils out of my bag, but if anything it made me feel so much worse.

John didn't want to go to the kitchen so sat with me for a bit. Richards the boss so he let me have half an hour but he did warn me if I was no better he would send me home.

I think he hoped it would help.

I sat up momentarily with enough time to look at the rota for the week before my vision went blurry and I shut my eyes. Half because my head hurt and half because I was trying to keep the vomit down.

I bolted from the room, to the staff toilets and projectiled last nights dinner.

'I'll take her home' John said to Richard and Richard eyed him suspiciously.

'Maybe Lilly should come and get her. It's her day off and she can look after her'

'Why drag her out when I can take her?'

'And who's going to be in the kitchen'

'You' John smiled sweetly knowing he would get his way.

'Be back before 1. We've got a table for 10 coming in at 2' Richard warned.

'Will do boss'

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