Chapter 5

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ellens pov

I was shoved onto a bed and I started to sit up, but Tom grabbed my hands. Hi lips met my cheek and he kissed down to my ear. "you do everything I say, understand?" he asked. "you say it as a question, yet I'm getting the impression i don't have a choice." I said, he laughed and pushed my back onto the bed and straddled my stomach.

"perceptive Little thing." he chuckled as he pinned me to the bed. "you do have a choice, you don't have to do what I say, but you'll be in trouble if you don't." he whispered as he kissed down my neck. "so, what are the rules?" I asked breathlessly.

"rules?" he asked as he pushed my bra down. "ya, rules, I always had rules with Daniels, what I'd be punished for doing wrong or misbehaving." I said and he froze and I felt him tense. "punished?" he asked. "belt, crop." I said. "but that stuff is fun." he started.

"not all the time." I whispered. "aw baby, don't worry, Nathan and I are the only ones who like giving punishment, and if we do, we won't really hurt you." he said as he started kissing down my stomach. "so it'll never hurt?" I asked. "oh it may hurt, but it'll be worth your while and Nathan...well...he's a little unpredictable, you never know what he could do, but he'd never permanently damage you." he said and nipped my hip.

"so what do I have to do if you tell me to?" I asked. "everything, not specific things but everything." he said. "and if you don't you'll be in trouble." he teased as he bit me and I gasped. "and ya, you'll get a belt and a crop and other stuff, but it won't hurt for long and it'll be more fun then pain." he said.

"now we're going shopping, so we don't have time to play, but if you don't do everything I say, then you'll get it." he whispered and then crawled back up and kissed me. "now come on, get descent." he said and stood up. "but Tom, I'm ready now." I whimpered and he chuckled.

"I know but you'll have to wait a bit longer." he said. "no, you got me hot and bothered and I want you....NOW!" I ordered. "I told you to get up, now do it." he growled. "make me!" I hissed and there was silence. Shit I probably shouldn't have said that. "Tom?" I asked quietly.

"Tom?" I asked again. "you haven idea how much I want to take a belt to you right now." he growled and I heard him walk over. He grabbed my hair and pulled my neck tight so his face was right in front of mine. "I tell YOU what to do, not the other way around, got it?" he growled. "got it." I whispered.

"dam right you do, now get....up." he hissed and pulled me up. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and started towards the door. "Tom, my bras still off." I said. "I know." he said. "the boys are out there." I added. "they've already seen you naked." he replied. "ya but I don.." I started. "quiet." he ordered and opened the door.

He walked me out into the basement and I still couldn't see anything. He walked farther into the room, then pushed me down so I fell to my knees beside him. "you sure we don't have time so I can play with her?" asked Tom. "you know I'm ri.." I started and he pulled my hair tight. "you speak when spoken to." he barked and I shut up.

"you were saying max?" asked Tom. "I was just saying that we dont have time, sorry, we have to get to LA, go shopping and then come back here." said max. "you sure?" asked Tom. "yes, sorry, but you have all night." replied max, Tom nodded. "alright, later love." said Tom and he ran his fingers over my cheek.

"we have to get changed, stay right there." he said and walked off. "bu..." I started. "and if you talk, I will gag you." he said and walked up the stairs with at least two of the boys. I stayed there, kneeling on the ground, not quite sure what to do.

Then I heard someone walking. He knelt down in front of me and kissed my neck. His fingers ran down my shoulders and grabbed my t*ts. I groaned and he chuckled against my neck. "wh..." I started. "Tom told you not to speak, should I tell him you've been a bad girl?" asked Nathan, I shook my head. "good, then keep quiet." he said and kissed me.

I kissed him back as he bit my lip. I opened for him and he slid his tongue into my mouth as we started making out. "you know, it's good you're already at least a little trained, it's always more fun." he whispered as he started kissing down my neck.

"you're already used to this, I won't have to ease you in as much." he added as he pinched my t*ts with his nails and I groaned deep in my throat. He chuckled as he nipped my neck and pulled harder with his fingers. "nat..." I started. "don't say anything, or Tom will be mad." he whispered.

"and I believe jay showed keen interest in using a belt on you earlier, he'd jump at any opportunity to use it on you." he whispered and nibbled down my neck. "that's enough Nathan, we gotta go." said Tom as he came down the stairs. "later love." whispered Nathan as he nipped my ear, then got up.

"that's not fair! You boys keep teasing me." I whined, Tom grabbed my chin and made me look up, but I still couldnt see. He pulled the blindfold off and his angry face was right in front of mine. "I told you not to say anything." he growled. "later Tom, we really do have to go." said max, Tom sighed and pulled me up so I was standing.

"later love." he said and pulled my clothes back on. He did up the buttons on my shirt and looked me up and down. "here." said max and he threw over some sweats. I pulled em on and tom picked me up. "why are you picking me up?" I asked. "don't have shoes on and it's raining." said Tom as he walked through the kitchen and out the door.

He carried me into the bus and sat down on the couch with me in his lap. "alright, we're heading over to the mall. Now, as you know, fangirls tend to stalk us...a lot. We need a cover story, so if anyone asks you're our tour secretary." said siva. "tour secretary, what do I do?" I asked. "everything we tell you to love." whispered Tom in my ear.

"no I mean as tour secretary, what do the fans think I do?" I asked. "honestly? You're just like our baby sitter, we tend to get drunk a lot and make bad decisions, basically everyone things you're just on tour with us to keep us in line." admitted max.

"oh, I can do that." I said and Tom chuckled. "I think we'll be the ones keeping you in line though." he chuckled. "nope, I'll keep you boys in line, you arent good, you don't get any." I said, his hand grabbed my neck and pulled me hard against him. "that, is a very dangerous game to be playing babe, one that won't get you very far." he hissed and nipped my neck.

My breathing picked up and he chuckled. "my my, you get excited so easily, I love it." he whispered. "that's not my fault! It's cause you and nath keep teasing me but not doing anything." I moaned. "later, I promise." said Nathan. "hey, you really want it? Misbehave or piss one of us off, then you'll really get it." said siva.

"Tom told me only he and nath were into punishment." I said. "they are the only two into punishment that actually hurts, we'll jokingly punish you but it won't hurt. Although, if you piss any of us off enough we will gladly punish you for real." said max.

"ah." I replied. "you could always piss us off on purpose if you wanted fun." said jay. "no, believe me, I'll get in trouble soon enough. I'm very stubborn, short tempered and bitchy, so I'll be getting in trouble a lot." I said, jay and Nathan chuckled. "just what I wanted to hear." said jay. "yes, it is." whispered Tom as he kissed my ear. "we're here, let's go shopping." said max as the bus stopped and we got ready to go shopping.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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