Chapter 18

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Jake stumbled back towards the door. Did he...? Did he really just hear that..?

The Brit slowly got closer and pressed his ear to the door. It... Kinda sounded like someone was begging...? Jake pressed as close as possible and listened closer "n-no! Pl-" jake furrowed his brow. First off... Was that a moan...? Second... Was that... John?

"Stop it!" Someone yelled. Jake could hear this clearly through the door "leave John alone! Get your filthy hands off of him!" Jake frowned deeply. He was sure that was Dave. Jake went to step back towards the door but he stepped on an empty bottle.

The bottle moved out from under his foot and jake fell forward, hitting the door with a 'clang'

Everything went silent.

Jake nervously straightened up and looked around. He... He really should get out...

Suddenly the door was open in front of him and he heard strange footsteps but didn't see anyone. Jake slowly stepped in to try and find the boys.

Jake only got a step into the room when the power was cut. The room was submerged in darkness and Jake couldn't see a thing. Jake frowned deeply "Dirk...? Dave...? John...?" He was met with only silence.

Jake was about to turn around when suddenly he heard something.

Someone was breathing right in his ear.

Jake's eyes widened and he slowly stepped forward, away from the person but suddenly there were two arms around him. One wrapped around jake's waist to hold him as still as possible and the other was pressing a strange smelling cloth over his mouth and nose.

Jake's vision started going blurry as he swayed a little on his feet.

Jake couldn't keep himself awake anymore and let his eyes slide shut.


John was shivering in Dave's warm, strong arms. He was so glad he had Dave right now. He was so scared and he felt so gross...

John sighed as he shifted closer to Dave, seeking his warmth. It's hard to keep warm when all you have to wear is a pair of boxers.

John peeked over Dave's shoulder at Jake. What was Jake even doing here...? Luckily the older boy seemed to be okay, Dirk having had been strangely careful with him.

John looked up at the sleeping blonde who was holding him close. He smiled softly and stroked Dave's hair out of his face. So beautiful...

John let out a large yawn, trying his hardest to stay awake. He had stayed up all night and kept watch of everyone, waiting for Jake to wake up.

Suddenly their was a groan as Jake did just this. The brunette groggily looked around "wha-....? Where..?" Jake's emerald green eyes finally settled on John's dark blue ones.

John slid out of Dave's arms and slowly walked over to Jake. The brunette looked up at him with a slightly scared expression.

John sat down in jake's lap and hugged him tightly "what are you doing here?" John asked quietly.

Jake sighed as he glanced at his shackles and then back down at John "I was coming to check on Dirk... I haven't heard from him in a while..." John sighed and hugged Jake tighter. "You shouldn't've come..." He murmured

Jake didn't say anything as he looked at the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes "what's going on...?" He murmured.

Before John got a chance to answer, Dave started stirring some while he mumbled "John...? John?!" He immediately shot awake and looked around for the boy.

John got out of jake's lap, seemingly having forgotten their conversation, and went back over to Dave. The blonde immediately tugged John down into his own lap and hugged him tightly "you scared me..." He murmured

John sighed softly "I'm sorry...." Dave didn't say anything, instead he just held John tighter.

Jake shifted and looked to them "Are you two alright...?"

John didn't say anything as Dave shrugged slightly "define 'alright'" Jake looked away, knowing there was no good answer to either questions "how long have you been here...?" He asked quietly

Dave shook his head "who knows. All I know is it's been what feels like fucking forever and we've only been fed once." Jake's eyes flicked down to see both of the boy's rib cages were starting to show already. He bit his lip and quickly looked away "why aren't you in shackles?"

John shuddered at the question and pressed closer to Dave. The blonde sighed softly "because we're 'good boys'" he murmured

Jake shuddered, definitely not wanting to know what that meant. Although he kind of had an idea...

John slowly lifted his head and looked over at Jake "Dirk treated you so nicely... why...?

Jake shivered and pulled at his chains "I- uh..." he looked away "we were boyfriends before... before a lot of things went down... I-I think he still loves me..."

John looked down at the ground "Do you still love him...?"

Jake opened his mouth to respond but he was cut short by aloud thud and then the sound of metal on metal as the door opened.

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