The New Boy

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing Diany Davis?" Jay yelled at me as if I was his daughter or something.

"Boy, don't be talking to my cousin like that. You crazy?" Trina hollered.

"Its cool Tri, I can handle it." And with that I snap my neck back at Jay and started glaring at him. "Why the fuck you over here yelling at me for?"

"I saw you checking out that nigga! I aint stupid, Diany. I know wassup." I looked at the boy as if he was growing another head. Did he really just got mad cause I was checking out another dude.

"Jay, it's clearly none of your concern who I look at. You need to calm yourself down, you ain't my man anymore. Get that shit through your thick ass skull." And with that I walked away from him and the crowed of nosy people we had formed, leaving Jay yet again flabbergasted. Omg!!! Jay obviously still has feelings for me!!! Yay!! Wait, whoa!! Why was I so happy that Jay has feelings for me? Do I still have feelings for him after all he's put me through?

I quickly push those thoughts out of my head and walked into homeroom. My language arts/homeroom teacher Mr.Boatly looked at me in a very disapproving way, clearly pissed that I'm late.

I sat down at my seat and instantly remembering the smell of that cologne. Whoa!!! The new boy is in my class.

Drake's POV (The New Boy)

Well today is my first day at this dumbass school. I missed my old school, I missed my boys. The girls here are pretty but none of them caught my attention. Well seeing that I got a girl that I'm in love with I don't think any other girl can catch my attention. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the teacher approach me. "Excuse me but I like when all my new students introduce themselves to the class. So I'd appreciate it if you'd stand up and tell us your name and a little bit about yourself." I can already tell I wasn't going to like this bitch ass teacher. The fuck was his name again? Well whatever I don't care anyways. "My name Drake Jhonson. Simple as that." The teacher was clearly irratated with my attitude and the fact that I didn't stand up. But rather than cause a scene he left it alone. All the girls in the class kept looking at me. Stalker much? I mean I know I look good but damn. The rest of the class period went by cool. As soon as the bell rung I got out my seat fast as hell and jetted out of the room. I couldn't stand that class any second longer. As I sprinted out my class I bumped into some dude. "Damn nigga watch out!" I half screamed. He didn't seem to care that I kind of screamed at him. "Man you bumped into me. But wassup though? I'm Brandon Smith." He held out his hand and we did a street handshake. "I'm Drake Jhonson." He looked at me for a second then replied. "What's your next class?" Brandon asked.

"Math with Mr. Jayton. I don't know where that class at though. Mind helping a brother out?"

"Nahh thats my next class. Follow me."

With that last word I followed him to class. As I entered the room all the girls started giggling. Some were batting they're eyelashes at me. They looked like they had shit in they're eyes or something. Disgusting. Only one of them didn't flirt or look at me at all. As I walked by her desk I took a glance at her paper and saw that her name was Diany Davis. Hmm cute name for a cute girl. But I wasn't attracted to her though. She's just some other chick that happens to be in my class.

Diany's POV

I stole a glance at him as he sat down 5 seats across from me. All the girls were looking at him trying to flirt with him. Disgusting. Anyways what was his name again? Oh yeah! Drake. Yesss!!! I have him in 2 of my classes so far!! Just as I thought my day was going by well. La'Keesha and Jay walks in. shit! Why me??!!! Jay took a seat next to me, while La'keesha took a seat next to Drake. Purposley moving her hips side to side and shaking her butt a little. So she can catch his attention. Dirty ho. Good thing he didn't even look at her. La'keesha saw me looking at her and gave me a dirty look. I was more than honored to reply the same gesture.

(hey sorry this chapter wasn't really that interesting. Promise to make the next one better.)

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