School Problems

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Diany's POV

"Briiiiiinnnggggg!" I smashed my alarm clock shut.

Today is the day I go back to school and words cannot begin to describe how unhappy I am. I jumped out of bed to go wake Jaden and Kim up. To my suprise they were already up. I headed downstairs and saw them on the table eating breakfast.

"Why are you guys ready for school this early?" I questioned.

"I dunno, big sis, Drake woke us up." Kim replied so chirpy. On the other hand Jaden looks like he just woke up from a hangover. He was never a morning person. I turned around and went to go get ready. About thirty minutes later I was ready. I wore these black high waisted jeans with a gold off shoulder crop top and gold sandals. I decided to just put a gold headband on and leave my hair straight. I headed downstairs for breakfast. I was starving.


Man this girl takes forever to get ready. Finally I heard her coming down the steps.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Hi." Was all I replied. She look good in her outfit... really good. The fact that I don't really like her suprises me. She's just not my type, I guess. I don't want to be her friend nor anything more than that. Don't bet me wrong, she's nice and all but I just know if I end up being her friend I might...

"Dray are you ready to go?" Said Diany interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, come one."


"Diany if you don't stop being retarded and get out the car I'm gonna start kicking you right in the head."

I dropped Kim and Jaden off at school. We're currently in the parking lot of our high school and Diany just won't get out... . That shit is just pissing me off.

"Okay, fine." She replied in a soft voice. I wonder why she's acting so weird. Once she got out of the car I locked the doors. We then went our seperate ways.

Diany's POV

I stepped out of the car and started walking towards the steps of the school. I really didn't want to go to school but I have to. I just want to get my education, take my little sister and brother, and move far away from here. Florida's a beautiful place but too much bad memories are here.

I opened my locker and got my books.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Jay, what do you want?"

"Damn, don't I get a 'hey baby'?

"Leave me alone." I told Jay. I'm really not in the mood to deal with this boy. Especially not today.

"Look, on the real, I wanted to ask you out." Jay admitted.

"Get out of my face!" I screamed at him.

"Look bae, I'm sorry. I know I did you wrong but I'm trying to get rid of the hurt I put in your heart. I made a mistake, big time. And yes, I did cheat on you with your best friend but I never had sex with her. I swear. This summer when you were yelling at me I thought Its was because you found out about me and Keesha relationship not because you thought we had sex. I just recently found out that she lied to you and told you we were messing around in the sheets. You didn't show up to school for days so I got worried. And then me and Keesha got in to an arguement."

Jay's POV


I'm really worried about Diany. She haven't been to school in a week. I know this girl like the back of my hands. She wouldn't miss all those days of school for nothing. I sat on the school hallways floor leaning against my locker. I hope her mom didn't hurt her. The day she explained to me what was going on at home I felt so bad for her.

"What's wrong?" Keesha asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to me anymore?" She competely ignored my question and continued to talk.

" Your worried about Diany, aren't you? Well dream about having her in your arms all you want because your not getting her."

"Oh yeah? And what the fuck makes you think that?"

"Because, after you guys broke up, I bumped in to her. And well let's just she now thinks we had sex." She put her hands on my thigh.

I pushed her off harder then I should have but at this point I really didn't care.

"You bitch, I fucking hate you. I swear if you were a man I would fuck you up right here, right now." I got up and stormed out of the school to prevent myself from killing Keesha.


Diany's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. I don't know if I should trust Jay. I stood there taking in all I've just heard.

"Diany please go out with me tonight. Here's my new number." He handed me a peice of paper with his number on it."If you want to go out call me and if you don't still call me so I can know you don't want to go. Please."  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek then walked away.


For the rest of the day all I could think about was Jay. I don't know wether I should call him and tell him I want to go out with him or tell him I don't. Do I still have feelings for Jay? I kept asking myself that over and over again. I sat in the car looking out the windows. I just can't wait until I get back to Dray's house so I can lay down and think properly.

"Why are you so quiet?" Dray suddenly asked.

"Just thinking." Was all I replied.

Kim and Jaden were in the back sleeping so it was a really quiet ride.


I was sitting on the couch with the house phone on my lap, trying to decided wether I should call Jay and say yes I'll go out with him tonight or rejected his offer. I thought about it for a while and knew what I was going to do. I dialed the number I never thought I would ever since Jay and I broke up.

"Hello, who's this?" Jay asked.

"Its me Diany."

"Oh hey babygirl so you up for the date tonight or no?"

"Well, I'm..."

(Hi everyone I'm sorry it took forever for me to update. Please comment and vote. B the way, I promise to start updating faster.)

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