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Diany's POV

"What are we going to do?" I asked Dray in between sobs.

"Lets go to your moms house."

"What if she hurts me?"

"She's not going to. I'm right here." Dray replied. I felt comfort in his words. I gave him the address to my old home and we started driving towards are destination.

The closer we got to the place I called home for years the more intense it feels.

Dray parked in front of the house and got out. I sat there too scared to move. My body feels so numb.

"Come on , Diany." I heard dray say while opening the car door.

I got out the car and started walking towards my old home.

Dray rung the doorbell twice and stood in front of me, tucking me behind him.

The door swung open and there stood my mother.

"Didn't I tell your ass not to come back here?"

"Where's my brother and sister? "

"Oh you mean 'my kids'? They are not here."

At this point I was angry. 

"How dare you call them your kids? All those days they spent here starving while you just spread your legs and kept getting high." As soon as those words came out of my mouth she lunged at me.

This time I was going to fight back.

She slapped and I pusher and I pushed her and slapped her right back. I jumped on her and we started fighting throwing punches, pull hair, and scratching each other.

I felt Dray pulling us off of each other so much. I didn't care all I could think about was hurting the woman I called mother for so long.

"I hate you!" I screamed when Dray finally managed to get us off of each other.

"I hate you too. I hated you since the first day your father brought your mut ass into my house. You're the one that ruined our relationship."

"What is going on here?" A deep voice asked from behind us.

I turned around and saw a tall man standing at the door. 

"Oh my God." I heard my mom whisper. She ran upstairs and slammed her door shut. 

"Who are you? " I asked.

"I am... "

(Sorry its so short. I don't really have time to update that often anymore. But please vote and comment)

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