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"Well, that blows our theory," Prentiss said as she started the car. I shake my head and shrug. As much as I hate to say it, unfortunately, we needed another group of victims to narrow down the profile. It's terrible, but Dr. Reid was looking at the positive side. His thighs were covered with the case file, looking quickly from one document to the next. 

"Not necessarily," he begins, not even looking up from the photos. "We did examine the evidence and now we're getting a clearer imagine of of who and why the unsub is abducting-" Dr. Reid looks up and turns his body to face me. "-Hotch mentioned that the new victims fit similar characteristic to the first three. There's definitely an envious flare of jealous inside the unsub."

I shake my head. "Yes, Dr. Reid, but beside realizing the unsub is a woman, we're back to square one. The unsub doesn't like athletes or brains, but where does the wallflower fit in?" I ask as we turn the corner. Besides the car running, the vehicle was silent as we all dissected the case.  Dr. Reid spoke up again, turning to face me again.

"Perhaps it's a reflection of who was or is our unsub."

We all considered the possibility, finally all muttering in agreement. 


It didn't take long for us to get to the new crime scene. The victims were found in a similar location as the others: the woods near the interstate. There were already news reporters on the scene and yellow tape surrounding the perimeters. We showed the officers our authorization and found the team scattered around the scene.

Agent Morgan saw us coming, his brows were furrowed and a dark look filled his face.

"Same as the others: An athlete, brainiac, and a wallflower," he tells us, shaking his head and taking a deep breath before continuing. "The athlete was murdered approximately seventy-two hours ago. The other two were around the last twenty-four hours. Wallflower was stabbed multiple times, just like last time. There are also injection marks on the two victims. Presumably heroin."

I let  out a large sigh as I viewed the three girls. It wasn't a pretty sight at all. These girls didn't look like they were sleeping peacefully. They were tortured, drugged, and dead. They were all so young and innocent. They had a future ahead of them, and it was all stripped away from them. I rubbed my temple with my fingers, biting my inner lip.

"How did we not see this coming?" I asked, crossing my arms as I continued viewing the lifeless victims in front of me. Derek shrugged, getting up from his squat position.

"We're still trying to figure that out. All we know is that these girls had just started Fall break. For all we know, their parents thought they were spending time with friends."

I close my eyes, shaking my head. How could parents know there's a murderer out there and not feel worried? Something doesn't add up.

Prentiss redeemed me away from my thought as she finally spoke up. "It rained this morning. Maybe the unsub is waiting for it to rain to drop off their victims?"

Just then, Hotchner appeared.

"It's not unusual for Oregon to constantly rain. The unsub is most likely using it to their advantage," he replied, glancing at his watch. "Let's all meet back at the station."


We all gather around the table, everyone's face covered in disappointment and anger. Just as Hotchner entered the room, he begins his announcement;

"We've had a long day, go back to the hotel and get some rest. Be back here at eight am sharp, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

Everyone started gathering their items. Not much was being said, some small talk and encouragement that they were going to catch the unsub. I quickly look up to see Doctor Reid looking around the room, a lazy smile on his face. 

"Hey, you guys," he started, grabbing his bag as he faced the team. I rose my head, like everyone, giving him my attention. "Is anyone hungry? There's an Indian restaurant around the corner from here."

Immediately everyone cringed, shrugged, and denied the invitation.

"Nice idea, but I'm going to catch up on my sleep."

"Yeah, I was thinking about ordering room service and heading to bed. Next time, pretty boy."

Everyone continued to reject him that I honestly felt a bit embarrassed for him. I would hate it if I announced plans and everyone rejected me in a span of sixty seconds. 

I instantly got up from my seat. "I'll go with you!" I told him, a smile growing on his face as I walked over to him with my bag. The team was taken aback from my slight outburst and gave each other 'secret' intrigued looks at each other. "I haven't had curry in so long!" I tell him, looking into his hazel eyes. I didn't mind that it was just the two of us, we we're just two hardworking team members getting a quick bite to eat. Plus, you'd have to be a moron to decline that handsome face of his.

"Did you know that India has one of the world's highest rates of murder in the world?" he asks me as we start exiting the office, me shaking my head.  "40,000 murders per year, mainly because it's also one of the populated countries in the world."

I curiously squinted my eyes at him and I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my lips. He smiled back at me but looked a little weird at me, probably not understanding why I laughed.

Oh, this is going to be a long night.



Yay! Another chapter! I know that this one is a little short but it's still an important chapter for what's to come! I wonder how their little dinner date is gonna go ;)

Thanks for reiding! 

- Vivacamila

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