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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan as my body turns over to turn off my alarm. My vision was blurry and I grasped onto my blanket a little tighter, pouting at the idea of waking up. Spencer was right, all those sweets would make me groggy in the morning. I shut my eyes for a moment, not wanting to separate myself from the comfort of my bed.

Just then, the memory of last night clouded my memory and a smile crept onto my face.


We stayed out longer than we should have, discussing all of possibilities and mistakes that Doctor Who had. Spencer then started discussing physics and space, and for the first time I was actually interested in what was coming out of his mouth. He still wouldn't take my money, though, which irritated me, but I'll be sure to surreptitiously slide it into his pocket today.

Eventually, I did get up from my bed and got ready. The police station wasn't far, it was walking distance from the hotel, so I knew I had plenty of time in my hands. The only thing that bothered me was confronting Agents Prentiss and Morgan.

While Spencer and I were laughing and exchanging ideas, Morgan and Prentiss had decided to stop by at the bakery. I was completely open for them to join us, but I could sense how embarrassed Spencer had become, and I know that Derek sensed it too. He started wiggling his eyebrows and winking at Reid. Prentiss even started nudging me and laughing at the two of us. You would have thought they were on drugs if they weren't FBI agents. They were bothering us so much, that Reid and I decided to depart at that time, hearing Morgan cry out "Have fun you two love birds!"

Spencer and I were just acquaintances having a bite to eat. What? Does he not have any females friends or something?

The situation continued to cloud my mind and I wasn't sure how I would handle the three goofy agents. Obviously, this team is very friendly and caring towards each other, but how would I fit into it? It's not like I'm permanently staying with this team, I'm just a traveling BAU agent. By the time this case is over, which I hope is soon, I'll be out of their lives...

But one thought continued to surround my brain: Is there something really going on with Spencer and I? He is very nice and adorable. He has a passion for so many things and facts for each and one of them. He talks a lot and he's very educated. I mean-

-No. I can't think about him like that.

Nothing happened last night. Nothing at all. So if Prentiss and Morgan were going to pretend that something was going on between Spencer and I, then I'd simply shoot down their ideas.

Oh gosh, I hope that Spencer wasn't going to act abnormal around me now. That wouldn't be fun at all.

I entered the PD and walked over to the BAU office and saw that Agent Hotchner was already inside, deep into his files, a coffee cup on the perimeter of his papers. He quickly looked up to see me.

"Hello, Mancini," was all he said.

I smiled and set my items across from him. I was about to walk out of the room to grab a coffee before he called out to me. I turn around and faced him.

"Yes, sir?" I replied, my hands clasped together as I walk closer to him. He finished writing his sentence and his eyes drift from the paper to me. His stern look consistently pasted on his face.

"I'm going to keep you and Reid together," he begins. My heart beat instantly is pounding against my chest but I try to regain a calm composure. He isn't in on the joke, he couldn't be... "I don't do this often," he continues, his face barely moving a muscle. "But I can sense a strong connection between you two-" A rush of blood began traveling around my body. "-I haven't seen that in a long time, so I hope you don't mind being paired up with him again."

Vero Amore (a Spencer Reid love story)Where stories live. Discover now