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Reid's POV

Everyone was up in less than a second when they heard that Hotch may have found some valuable evidence. We all surrounded the table and waited for Hotch to continue, he was on the phone with Garcia trying to connect some evidence together before announcing it to the team. When I'm nervous, I usually read something to ease my nerves; a book, a newspaper, an article. But for the first time, it wasn't working. Instead, I watched Hotch like a hawk; noting every single one of Hotch's movements; I noticed his eyebrows furrow, I noticed him stop in place, I noticed his hands tense up as he ended the call and turn towards us.

He grabbed his folder and began sorting photos on the desk, pointing to a photo of Michelle Wagner and Anne Pickett. "They," he began, "are our unsubs. They've kidnapped Mancini and are most likely following their M.O and torturing her-"

My stomach began to twist and turn and I could feel my shoulders slumping down. I thought I was going to throw up.

Hotch quickly looked over at me but continued as he set another photo on the table, "This is a property that Anne Pickett and her former husband owned. Currently, the rights are to the ex-husband, but it's been abandoned for months. That is until a few weeks ago when someone had begun using the electricity-"

My head perked up and I began leaning against the table. My ears were like a dog's, listening to every word that was being said. My eyes slightly widened and the hope in my eyes and soul were finally coming back. Finally, it was true. We were close. It was becoming a reality. We were going to find Natalia.

"Alright, then," Morgan said as he stood up from his seat. "Let's go then!"

Morgan was in the middle of putting on his coat before he noticed that Hotch hadn't moved a muscle. "What?" he asked, pulling his coat closer to his body. "What are we waiting for?"

Hotch looked over at me before looking over to Morgan and the team again. Those ten seconds of silence felt like a lifetime to me. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, except for me who was panicking worse like a madman for every moment that passed by.

"We have the building, but we don't have the address. Garcia is looking for the area as quickly as she can," he finally told us. Everyone and everything was silent, but if you heard closely you could hear my heart shattering into a zillion pieces.

Morgan furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, his hands were clenched onto the top of the chair. "So we're just going to sit here and wait?" he began, his words were slowly making its way out of his gritted teeth. He let out a tense sigh. "We're just gonna sit around and pretend that Mancini's life isn't in danger?!" he cried out as he pushed his chair away, making everyone, excluding Hotch, jump at his reaction.

"Morgan, you need to calm down. We're doing... that... can..." Hotch's voice began to fade away. My body was transferring towards its own little bubble. My shoulder's slumped again and I could feel my face melting away. My soul ached and my body felt weak with every word that came out of my team's mouth. It was my fault. This whole thing is my fault. If only I profiled the crime scene before trying to show off to Natalia. If only I had tried not to be someone I wasn't during the case, then we wouldn't be in this mess. I should have called for back-up, I should have stayed with Natalia and now she's gone. Who knows how long Garcia's going to take to find the building. She ranges from taking five seconds to five hours of gathering the correct evidence. Garcia's fast, but is she fast enough to find out where the address is before it's too late? Are we truly going to sit around and-

Ring. Ring. Ring

Everyone stopped in place. We all looked over to where the ringing was coming from and quicky noticed it was Hotch's phone. He reached towards the table and slowly answered it.

"Hotch," he said.

He thought we wouldn't notice, but his eyes shut in relief for a short second before he began writing something down on a piece of paper. From where I was sitting, it looked like an address. I sighed in relief as I shut my eyes in gratefulness. We're going to get you, Natalia. We're going to save you.

Natalia's POV

I don't know how long it's been.

I don't know whether I'm alive or dead.

Truthfully, I'd rather be dead at this point.

I tried to stand my ground and show that I wasn't afraid, but every time I'd hear their whisper or see their hand in the distance I'd fidget and wince. I'd cry out in pain when the blade wouldn't even touch me. I failed at the idea that I told myself for years, I failed at being strong both mentally and physically.

We learned about this at the academy, we are supposed to show that we are strong individuals and that we will get through terrible torture, but it's easier said than done.

My arms trickled with blood.

When I barely move, my body aches with pain.

My once beautiful and strong body was suddenly weak and hideous.

I was ugly, inside and out.

I was weak, inside and out.

Everything I worked for, everything I fought for was thrown out the window once these two ladies demonstrated who I truly was as a person.

It was my fault. I put myself in this mess and it was my fault it all happened. It was my fault I was being tortured. Because if I was strong enough, if I was smart enough, if I was worthy enough, I wouldn't be stuck here bleeding to death.

I didn't even feel like I was in my body anymore. I didn't feel like a person. Slowly but surely, I felt my soul exiting my vessel. I was ready to let go.

I shut my eyes and was ready to fall asleep.



Whoops! I didn't mean to take this long to update! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know it's short but I felt like I had to update a chapter sooner than later! Stay tuned for the next chapter because it will be coming up very soon! :D :D



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