Part Two; The Conditions

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               Next Day ;

He picked up a sheet of paper that had been lying on the glass coffee table. Charlotte placed her hands firmly on her lap - she had been fidgeting.

"I've compiled a list of the conditions we established before your arrival, but I would like to ask you to agree to them once more in person, now that you have an impression of me and the home you will be living in. Is that alright with you?" he looked at her. The question was dealt in a light, soothing tone. He wanted to make sure she was well aware of the fact that this arrangement was precisely what she needed and yearned for. Although everything was settled, he didn't dare risk giving her that chance to come up with second thoughts.

Little Charlotte, with her legs crossed and her hands folded - physically there were no suggestions of anxiety or of stress, however, her eyes found it difficult to hold his gaze and that was all he needed to know. He had learned so much about her, he didn't need the external signs to tell him what she was feeling: vulnerable, unsure and self-conscious.

Charlotte nodded.

He trained his eyes on the list and read aloud: "You will give up your mobile phone and any other communication devices to me." He looked up at her expectantly and she smiled weakly, extracting a mobile phone from a pocket in her trousers and placing it tentatively before her on the table.

"You will not leave this property without my explicit permission, however, within its confines you are free to move around as you please."

"Yes." she replied, her voice quiet but decisive.

"You will inform me immediately in case of the development of any health concerns, however minor they may seem to you."

"Yes." She knew this was a condition set up to ensure her welfare as she would not be able to contact a doctor herself, but she worried nonetheless as she took in his eerily calm manner and the build of his body, realizing that this part of the agreement emphasised the power he would have over her.

"You will be subject to whatever punishment I see fit, should you displease or disobey me."

This one made her blush. She looked down at her hands and pressed her thighs together underneath them. She would have expected this to be the most difficult condition to accept, but to her surprise it did little more than to remind her of why she had wanted to come, why she had needed to come.

A smile creased his lips. "I'll take that as an affirmation, also. Now that we have established the ground rules I suggest we have dinner. I think it's best if we introduce the more specific rules gradually over time, in order to give you some time to settle in and get accustomed to this new situation," he said, with an almost patient smile. "Please, follow me into the kitchen." He stood up and motioned towards a large archway, which connected the living room and kitchen.

She was surprised he had not touched her apart from the handshake on greeting. Was he disappointed?

The thick Persian carpet felt warm and safe under her white socks as she crossed it, following him into the kitchen.

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