Dear Friend,

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It is slightly unfair of me to write this. You unlike most of those I have written to will read this.
This partly why this letter is so important. As you know I've had bad friendships in the past. My old best friend and I had a sorta of one sided relationship.
I used to talk to her about her problems and when we got to mine, the subject was changed. When I confronted her she said it was because she'd never dealt with loss. She said she couldn't help me in anyway.
I understood. But last night I lay awake because of my moment of grief. I felt it again, the sting of loss. I'm not sure if you've ever lost someone close to you really but you didn't change the subject, or say you didn't know how to fix it and move on. You let me talk, said what I would've said to you. You calmed me down.
Someone once asked me why I was your best friend. I didn't really know. I mean there were plenty of people I liked, some nice and sunshiny and others quiet. There were so many people that could've been my best friend and yet I didn't want them to be. I didn't want sunshine because who would tell me the truth? I didn't want ms quiet because who would scream with me?
There are so many reasons why I have chosen you or fate has chosen you or whatever to be my best friend. The biggest however was that you liked all of me. You liked the sad parts, the smart parts, the funny parts. And I think that's awesome. Anyways thanks for that.
All of me

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