Part 0

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"I don't want to sound rude, but could you please leave? I need to be alone."

The air that entered my lungs burned my chest like a sunburn after a long day at the beach. I stared up at the girl with wide eyes, her long brown whipped around her face as she stood in the exact spot I wanted to be. I could see the determination in her eyes and it scared me more than I wanted it to.

"Just give me fifteen minutes and then I'll be gone, and you can have the rooftop to yourself."

Even then I didn't move a muscle. She was a complete stranger to me, but something had driven both of us up here in the early hours of the night. This was single-handedly the most important moment in my life and there was a choice to make. Was I ready to let this girl take her own life? Ironically speaking, since I was there to do the same thing.

After another moment of silence, and panicked thought, I finally spoke. "Why don't we do it together."

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