Part 3

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[Michael Clifford]

The air outside the windows of my flat was thick with fog as I took another look around to make sure everything was in its rightful place.

The articles of clothing that had been lying on the floor had been picked up, shoes that were scattered around were now lined up by the front door and all dirty dishes were washed and put away in the cabinets above the stove. It was the cleanest my flat had ever been and the thought of not being able to dirty it up again was a bit sad.

My mind was made up and tonight was the night. I shook the feeling away as I pulled my jacket on over my shoulders. I left my home without a sound and like a reflex locked the door behind me before descending the stairs.

I zipped my jacket up further as I stepped out into the chilly October air. I chuckled to myself as I watched a group of teenagers pass by me dressed in different costumes, ranging from a zombie to a slutty maid. It wasn't until that very moment that I realized what day it was. October 31st. My laugh grew louder as I made my way past another group who gave me odd looks from my outburst.

The streets of London were crowded with people of all ages, everyone headed to a different party to celebrate the holiday. But for me tonight was not about celebrating, I had a much bigger plan in mind. I kept my pace quick as I weaved my way down the street trying not to get caught up in the crowds outside the bars. With each stride, I made my way closer to my destination.

It took about 15 minutes to get from my place to the building that I had chosen as my escape route. I had come across the building on one of my late night excursions, not expecting to find the back alley door propped open like it had been.

It was like the building was just begging to be used as my way out. I went back every night at the same time for a week just to be sure that it was a normal thing and luckily for me it was.

The small alleyway was dark, the glow from the light above the propped open door created an easy path for me to follow. There was an eerie feeling that surrounded the vacant building as the fog that had descended on the city continued to roam the streets.

The door creaked loudly as I pulled it open and I cringed at the horrible noise. I wasn't exactly sure what this building was for seeing as I had only explored it long enough to see if I could get up to the roof, but really it didn't matter much to me. My feet carried me up the 10 flights of stairs that it took to get to the door that led outside.

The cold air hit my face once again as I stumbled out the roof access door, heaving myself over as I tried to catch my breath. There was no reason I would rush to my death. The thought of what I planned on doing rattled my brain as I breathed heavily.

After a long moment, I stood to full height and stared out over the tops of the buildings surrounding this one. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the city below that buzzed with people and cars and for a second I almost wished I were down there with them.

I took another gulp of air, my breaths finally returning to normal. My body turned away from the heavenly glow of the city lights, but I took one last glance at the beautiful sight before I made my way around the tiny structure that I had just come out of. My eyes were glued to the ground until I heard the light sound of someone else's voice as it floated through the air.

My head snapped up toward the sound, confused about why anyone else would be up here when instead they could be celebrating with friends or family. My mouth hung open in shock at the scene in front of me, my heart rate instantly speeding up again.

There on the edge of the building stood a girl. Even in the low light, it was easy to see that her clothes were dirt stained and tarnished and as my eyes scanned the area around her I noticed a backpack forgotten on the ground a few feet away.

"W-" I stopped myself when I realized if I scared her something bad might happen, but it didn't matter because she had already turned to look in my direction.

She had a look of surprise and bewilderment on her face for only a split second before her expression turned to anger.

"I don't want to sound rude, but could you please leave? I need to be alone," Her voice was hoarse as she spoke and it looked as though she hadn't gotten a good nights rest in weeks.

The air that entered my lungs burned my chest like a sunburn after a long day at the beach. I stared up at the girl with wide eyes, her long brown whipped around her face as she stood in the exact spot I wanted to be. I could see the determination in her eyes and it scared me more than I wanted it to.

The girl didn't wait for me to reply. "Just give me fifteen minutes and then I'll be gone, and you can have the rooftop to yourself."

Even then I didn't move a muscle. She was a complete stranger to me, but something had driven both of us up here in the early hours of the night. This was single-handedly the most important moment in my life and there was a choice to make. Was I ready to let this girl take her own life? Ironically speaking, since I was there to do the same thing.

After another moment of silence, and panicked thought, I finally spoke. "Why don't we do it together."

"Are you kidding me?" She turned her entire body around to face me and my heart leaped into my throat as I saw how close to the edge she really was.

"No." I shook my head and took a few cautionary steps toward her. "I'm being completely serious."

"Are you fucking crazy?" Her voice rose with a sudden bout of hysteria as I continued to move forward and I could see the fear in her eyes growing with every step I took.

"Are you?" I countered and she quickly shut her mouth, a glare settled on her face.

Once standing close enough I could get a clear view of her. She was my age, maybe a few years older. Her clothes were dirtier than I had first thought and her wavy blonde hair was matted and windswept. Her eyes looked almost black just a small ring of grey-blue surrounding her dilated iris'.

The second our eyes connected I instantly regretted it. She was no longer scared that I had caught her in the act, but instead look outraged by my sudden prescience.

"Leave," She spoke again with a harsher tone.

I glared back at her and took the last steps that remained between me at the raised ledge she stood on. I quickly hoisted myself up onto the concrete slab next to her, a slight gasp leaving her lips as she leaned away.

"No," I replied as calmly as I could.

"This cannot be happening!" She stared over at me frantically as she pulled at her knotted hair in frustration. She looked lost and tired, but I could only assume I did too or else neither of us would be up here.

"Look either you jump alone with me here or we jump together. Pick one." My brain was running at high-speed and I barely had any time to process what I was saying. Was I ready for this?

She groaned loudly and crossed her arms over her chest before she sunk to a sitting position, her legs hanging over the edge of the building. A subconscious smile tugged at my lips at her childish behavior, but it quickly fell as I realized how much it reminded me of myself not that long ago. I mirrored her actions but didn't dare to look down.

There was complete silence around us and after a long moment I turned toward her with a genuine smile and stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Michael Clifford. What's your name?"

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