Part 3

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The musky soothing smell of paper filled the library.the huge teak-wood shelves towered until the rooves of the room with books about everything you could imagine. bright light blinded the vast expanse of the room. The library was big enough for a person to find a secluded corner and call it personal space, and in one of those little corners crouching with a book was lyra. She was waiting for frost and maybe he wouldn't turn up,because everyone treated her like a joke so she was just preparing to do the whole thing by herself.

Just then, A hand touched her shoulders and she freaked for a second. 

"are you crying?" he asked with concern laced in his eyes for a second before it flashed without emotion

"No. why would u ask me that?" she said wondering if he thought she was a weak, vulnerable girl 

" actually i dont care, lets get over with this. i dont need to hang around with freaks"

"look who's talking!"

surprisingly a smile crept on his plush red lips. "fiesty, aren't we?" 

"you just dont know me..."

"well i prefer not letting anyone in so i dont bother getting to know anyone either. knowing means getting close and i despise attachment" 

a grin plastered her face. "maybe, we'll get along well" she said to him

They moved to the huge row of computers aligned along the wall. she pulled one of the grey plastic chairs back and plomped down. an awkward air lingered around them

"i'll just google this and find some pictures and put them in the powerpoint. maybe you can be incharge of the writing"

"yeah, whatever" he grunted

 an hour passed by in complete silence but sometimes she could feel his breath on her when he leaned in to check the computer. his flickers in mood made her curious not angry, because she knew exactly what could cause them. it happens when you're trying to shut everyone out but still need some company because you can't bear the loneliness anymore. it happens when you are different but want to be normal for a while. it happens when you're dying inside but you pretend like everything is okay. it happens when you're drowning and you know how to swim but can't save yourself. it happens when you cant decide between giving up and continue fighting. she was curious if he was going through all that because in the end being broken was perfection and flawlessness to her.

Was she beginning to see something in him that no-one else saw?!

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