Part 6

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Finally reaching home,walking home on a pleasant friday afternoon wasn't too bad until....

the car was revving its engine after stopping next to her, and as she tried to speed up,the car backed up. howls and whistles were heard to cheer the driver
"waddup loser"
"hey lifeless creature"
"her booty aint that bad"

they were drunk guys from her cheap high school and obviously after spotting her she became a pass-time for them. to her faint shock, there layed frost in the back seat collecting money from all of those assholes. "didn't i tell you, we will find her here.."
slowly one by one they got down from the car and circled around her like vultures circling their prey.
what might they possibly want from her

"hey bitch, you're gonna do us a favour"
she was already boiling with anger, "what if i refused" she spat.
"we will make your life in school worse than it already is"
she wasn't the one who went down without a fight
and thats when she started laughing
"boys, your little game is over. a cop is heading over"

and as soon as they all turned, that was her cue to run. 
it was frost's voice she heard last
"let her go now, we will deal with her later in school"

She ran inside the house and shut the door behind her and slid against it.
What the hell was that all about?
Then a voice boomed through the door. "Babe, this is not the end"
Well, she didn't get tensed. What was the point. What was going to happen was inevitable so she might as well face it.

As usual she went to her room and crashed on the bed.
The night stars adorned the sky and the beetles were chirping through the night and lyra was stirring in her sleep. When she woke up she decided to take a shower. She put on a a black t-shirt and white yoga pants.

She logged on to the king of social networks- Facebook. Facebook was the place where she could truly find what she needed-solace from poetry.

A/n: this facebook part is true for me too.

As she was scrolling through her news feed she saw it.

A video of her getting bullied posted with the caption "the pitiful animal- lets stop animal violence". She knew something was coming up but didn't really expect it to be this.

A/n Thankyou to B_NeverLetGo for forcing me to update.  Love ya babe for all the support for this story. Check her out ya'll

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