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Frost handed a letter to Lyra:

"How can i have a future, when the past is my present?Blazing fiery flames dance in your eyes but your heart is frozen with spells of sorrow .she was a damsel in distress whose salvation was darkness in light.  a ray of sunshine brought  possibility of her basking in self-worth, which was fatal wasn't itShe was too numb to feel. She always hid behind a mask.She pretended this is not her life .maybe that's why nobody stuck around to reminisce in the broken peices of her soul.her eyes raked the stretched of virgin-love, and immedietly as if it was meant to be her vision was clouded by a surge of indefinite realization that her expectations would destroy her someday.Chains scathed her beating tendons, whipping her veins every moment,her soul was so strong she was still breathing, yet she was also so weak she lived for that pain, the pain her gave her. there was nothing left, just a roaring mess foreshadowing their souls. It was destroyed with every word that dripped out of his mouth.She was desperate for an escape, an escape from this mind and body to just wander the gardens of heaven with everything she never had/ A ripple on the meditating ocean, and it burst into chaos like a tsunami, she just stood there powerful enough to calm him down with her peircing eyes and storm of a soulI need to reside in the frozen cracks of your heart.I need to see you cry at 4 am in the morning because you lost all hope in life.i need to see you melt while doing something you love.i need to see the fire in your eyes when you're furious and you can't find a way to vent your frustration.i need to see you desperate for satisfaction.lastly i need to see your soul naked when will you let me? .Im a monster in a way i need to feed on your destroyed pieces to finish my psychotic puzzle.. Release me from the choking strain of what i call my mind. I die a little more with every gasp. When you tell me where your soul hides i'll know you meant forever, because then you'll never be able to escape into a world without me. Dont try to fix me with the wrath of your love eminating from your heart, I dont want you to break If she dwelled on it maybe she would get destroyed. I never want to tell you i love you, 'cause then we never had a shot. If it was really love your soul would have read mine... the day i have to tell you for you to know its all over.i desperately need you to constantly make me see that my true self hiding in those fiery depths of my soul is what you devour and that you will have an aching greed for that person forever. The moment you yearn for a soul with fresh unstitched cracks, then maybe you will realize how precious you are and why you drive me crazy.I am drowning and even though i know how to swim i cant save myself. With every second that passed by, with every thought that stabbed ,i lost myself a little more. When will i be the person i was?I wander the deserts of darkness with loneliness as my soul mate and despair as my guardian angel. I cried and pleaded for someone to rescue me but all i got in return was echoes of loneliness' laughter.A flame roars through my veins and you render me speechless when you stare deep into my eye. oh how wonderfully disastrous is the possibility of you taming the beating tendons in my heart. Thoughts raced through her mind and the one she wanted to run away the most distant from. stopped and got closer and closer encaving until it eventually crushed her.When will you realize why i push u away while trying to get you closer.what if i couldn't fight the battle anymore? You were a light radiating in the darkness just like the shimmering stars up up above buried in the galaxy. That's what scared me. Would u burn out too? I hope your version of forever is as long as mine."

Author's Note:

1) All characters are purely fictional and have nothing to do with my life whatsoever. 

2) my chapters are extremely small so please accept it

3) please do not copy my story and if you want to share quotes from this story please give credits to me.

i hope you enjoy reading my bullshit :)

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