Chapter 3: Lonley

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Jackals P.O.V

My eyes slid open as I woke up, I shifted onto my arm to lean on it. I squinted my eyes soon as sunlight hit them through the small window.

I shift myself into a sitting position while rubbing my eyes softly, I let out a small yawn and slowly lift myself off the bed. I stumbled and wobbled towards the small door on the ground, I undid the latch and opened the dusty door. I held onto the edges of the small doorway, I gripped it hard while slowly slipping through the doorway to get downstairs. Since Blondie didn't have stairs to get in and out of the attic I had to use a stool so I could grab onto the edges and lift myself up, sometimes I would get her to help. Since I started staying here, we have both been training together, she helped me improve greatly, so after we did our training sessions my arms would really hurt and I would be really tired, so she would help push me up there. I don't always sleep up here, I usually stay down there with Blondie. If I'm lucky she would let me sleep in her bed with her, not side to side, I would be at one end of the bed and she would be at the other.

The only time I stay up here is when that flaming fucker and his friends all come over, which unfortunately is very often.

I hung onto the edges of the attic while slowly swinging back and forth before finally letting go and landing on the ground. "Lucy! Blondie! Uh you still here?" I walked towards her room, hoping she was still here. I stepped into the room, it was a bit messy which was unusual for her. I scanned the room from top to bottom, while searching I saw something on the table, I made my way over to it, It was a small piece of paper that had been neatly folded, it had my name written neatly on it. 'Jackal~'

I picked up the note and unfolded it.

Dear Jackal,

I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye properly, I hope you're not mad. Anyway I know you like sleeping in so by the time you start reading this note I will probably already be at the hotel Team Natsu and I are staying at. I promise Jackal I wont be long, I'll probably be back within a few days anyway. We can spend heaps of time together when I get back. I'll see you soon~

Love Lucy (aka, Blondie :)

I smiled at the letter and stuffed it into my pocket. I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I picked up my toothbrush and looked at in in utter shock. Due to my very sharp teeth my toothbrush had been ripped to shreds. "Ah, shit" I muttered quietly, I couldn't brush my teeth with it so I just squeezed some toothpaste into my mouth and gargled it with some water. I went to Lucy's bedroom and sat on her bed, I looked around feeling extremely bored. "Jeez, she just left and I'm already bored" I muttered in anger. I felt so lonely without her. I picked up the picture she kept next to her bed. It was her, the blue cat and the flame ball. I snarled at certain people in the picture and roughly placed it down.

She did say she would be back within a few days, so why am I so worried? Am I worried I won't see her again? No, what if something bad happened to her! I suddenly felt scared at the thought of her getting hurt. It was true, I really did care for the human girl. 

I walked out of the room and downstairs. Since Blondie was usually up before me, she would always greet me while she was down here, sadly she was not here to do that. My ears and tail flopped down in sadness, I had my ears pressed against my head as I looked around the room downstairs. My ears suddenly perked up as I got an idea. Maybe I could look at her picture books.

I rushed towards her lounge room and opened the drawers that she kept the books in, successfully I found them, I jumped onto the couch while my tail wagged slightly. I opened up the book to the first page, weird, all of the pictures were painted (by Reedus) I looked at them in amazement and jealousy. Blondie looked so happy, she was there with all of her guild members, in most pictures she was either smiling brightly or had a shocked face at what her guild mates would to, some pictures had them fighting, and others had them hugging and smiling and with each other. The pictures made me smile, but the reason I felt jealousy was because I wish I was part of the pictures, but of course no one wanted a demon like me. Except Lucy.

I continued to scan each and every picture, so much happiness. 

Getting a bit bored I smacked the book shut and placed it back into the drawer I found it in. I got up, deciding to do some training. Maybe I could train heaps to impress Blondie. I smirked at the idea. I headed towards the back door and opened it to go to where Blondie and I train. I walked out into the sunlight, my eyes widened as I almost forgot to get a coat or something to help hide my identity. I rushed back inside and threw things around, trying to find the jumper Blondie gave me.

After finding it, I slipped it on and lifted up the hood onto my head, I flattened my ears so they were less noticeable. I rushed back and slammed the door shut. I speed walked over towards the small woods where we would train. Once I found the woods I ran in a started to recognise my surroundings, I immediately knew where to go. I looked left, right, up, down trying to find the small pathway where Blondie would lead me to. I smelt the area slightly, trying to recognise any scents.

I groaned in annoyance, but after what felt like forever, I finally found the small pathway, I smiled and my ears perked up. My tail swished around viciously while heading through the small pathway. It had many bushes on each side, the trail was simply dirt. I reached the end and I looked at the very familiar surroundings. It was a very small clearing, it was all just dirt. I smiled and ripped off my hoodie. It would be far easier if someone was here to train with me, but unfortunately that will not be happening for a few days. Deciding Ill use a large tree as a target, I got into a battle stance while creating one explosion in each hand. I smirked at my imagination, I was showing off my new strength and impressing Blondie. I immediately shook my head violently and rolled my eyes at myself.

"I'm such an idiot!"     

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