Bloody and Bruised

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Nothing, but darkness hit my eyes as I slowly opened them. I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, shocking me. "W-what?" was all I could mutter as I was completely confused, my body hurt as I slowly turned myself around.

My eyes widened as I saw the sleeping face of him, Jackal. My breathing became fast as I panicked, 'did he do anything to me?!' I asked myself as I wiggled and struggled out of his grip, it only seemed to tighten.

Being so close to the monster that did so many horrible things to me terrified me. "Please! Let me go!" I screamed out as I began scratching his arms, I felt a sudden jolt behind me as I now knew he was awake. 

His grip loosened and I was able to slip away, he sat up straight looking at me, then his now scratched up bleeding arms. "what the hell!?!" he grabbed me by my arm, pulling me back onto the bed "why'd you do this for?!" His angry golden eyes stared straight into mine, "you should be fucking thanking me! I let you sleep here instead of on the ground! Is that where you enjoy sleeping!? On the cold, hard ground!?"

I looked away from him "I'd much rather sleep on the ground than with you..." Jackals grip tightened on my wrists, I didn't let out a single noise though, no, I was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

Instead of beating me like I thought he would, he released my wrists. "here" he grabbed my wrist as he reached behind him, probably so that I didn't try to run off, he opened a draw and pulled something out. "Just take it" he tossed it at her, it was a shirt, nothing special.

Desperate to have some clothes on, I slipped the oversized shirt on, it felt nice to have something covering me, instead of having just a bra and underwear.

He looked over and me and just glared at me "this doesn't mean anything, got it?" I was slightly confused by what he meant, was him being nice doesn't mean he cares?

"Got it!?" He roughly grabbed my arm, making me let out a small squeak "y-yes!" 

He dropped my arm and just continued to glare at me, he once again reached behind himself, opening the draw and grabbing something "just wanted to let you see what you look like" he handed it to me. I took it, but before I looked into it "J-Jackal... Did you... do anything to me when you brought me in here?" she questioned.

"No, it wouldn't be fun then, would it?" His creepy grin widened "hm..." I lifted the mirror to look at myself, I almost dropped the mirror after seeing myself. I looked dreadful, bags under my eyes, hand marks on my face from all the times Jackal slapped me, my busted lip was puffy and red, my usually bright blonde hair was greasy and messy.

Just seeing myself made me want to cry, well that happened. The mirror fell out of my hands and landed on the bed, I heard the sick bastard snickering at me. 

He's the reason why I'm like this! My hands trembled as I balled them into fists "you..." I muttered darkly as my bangs hid the darkness in my eyes. "Eh? What's wrong, Blondie?" He asked while he snickered "you..."

I couldn't hold in the rage any more, something in me snapped as my eyes snapped open.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" 

I jumped on top of him, knocking him off the bed with me landing on top, I ripped out his hair and raised my fist "you! I hate you!" I smashed it into the middle of his face, he cried out as it made connection with his face. I raised my other fist and punched him with that as well.

my fists continuously did this "how does it feel, huh!? Having the shit beaten out of you!? Feels horrible doesn't it!" Harder and harder I punched him each time, I began to rip out his hair again, tugging at it and ripping it right out.

"I'll make you go through the pain you made me go through!" I screamed as I hit him again, I stood up and began kicking him making him cough out blood, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I Repeated those three words over and over again, I breathed heavily as I was out of breath, my energy was slowly fading away "no! I must finish this!" I sat on him and wrapped my hands around his neck tightly, he made gagging noises as he reached up for my hands, attempting to untangle them from his neck.

Lucy suddenly felt almost disgusted at what she was doing, never before had she ever been so dark and sinister. "You little slut!" He managed to choke out while his hands started twitching and grew weaker and weaker. Suddenly he smiled grimly "you keep forgetting about my curse, don't you?" Lucy's eyes widened, but she continued to choke him anyway, to blood that covered her hands were smothered onto his neck. His eyes seemed to roll back as he struggled to make his curse go off.

'D-de-" he stuttered, Lucy squeezed tighter and tighter, his eyes looked like they were about to close.


Lucy screamed as all the bombs went off on her body, her blood splattered as her now burnt skin fried, after all the smoke cleared, Lucy could barely make a noise as she fell off Jackal who was struggling to regain his breath, his face was bruised and bloody, his aching neck had red hand marks on it. Lucy reached up onto the bed, grabbing the mirror, Jackal was still struggling to breath.

As he was beginning to stand, Lucy swung the mirror around and into his face, the glass shattered and some small shards stuck in his skin. He wailed and stumbled back, bumping into the cabinet behind him. 

"Lucy! You fucking bitch!!" He swung a fist that collided with her face, Lucy grabbed the pillow and jumped onto him again, he smacked onto the ground as Lucy stuffed the pillow onto his face.

He blew if up with ease, making Lucy stumble back. Lucy found some wood sitting next to a fire place, she picked one up and struggled slightly with it. She swung it at him just after he stood up, it hit his side.

The two kept on fighting and fighting until they both fell the the ground. Jackal smacked onto the ground first with his back while Lucy fell on her side, she felt light headed as the blood leaked out of her many injuries "I-I'm going t-to die..." she muttered as her eyes felt heavy, Jackal twitched at her words, he was beyond angry he was enraged and furious at the fact this human girl even attempted to kill him. He could kill her right now, but since he loved her in his own sick way he didn't.

"Shut up bitch" he muttered while spitting out blood, his face felt swollen and he shook from the pain He crawled towards her, "d-don't come n-near me" she stuttered out in a whisper,he ignored her and continued to drag himself. He tore off some of her shirt and wrapped up the most serious injuries on her body.

Lucy store at him as she was barely concious, her eyes filled up with tears that began to run down her bruised cheeks. "W-why do you l-love me?" She questioned softly "shut up whore" he muttered again as he laid back and rested "when I'm healed up,you better get ready for what I am going-" he began to cough out blood, not being able to finish his sentence.  Lucy didn't reply, Jackal just struggled to sit next to Lucy, he lifted up her light body and placed the back of her head onto his lap, he ran his fingers through her blonde hair as they both rested.

"Never d-do that again..." Jackal stuttered as his throat hurt when he tried to speak, his raspy voice sounded rougher than before. Lucy lifted herself up, she felt as if she was going insane. He messed up her sanity so much that she questioned it. Lucy was desperate for some part of herself to feel good. Slowly and cautiously she wrapped her arms around the man she considered a monster.

Her desperation for comfort was beyond anything. His arms wrapped back around her, he squeezed her tightly and still ran his fingers through her hair. At the moment Lucy didn't even care she was hugging him, she just needed some love after everything he put her through. 

"I still hate you..." 

My Sick Obsession (Currently being edited/rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now