The End...Or is it?

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Jackal stared up at Lucy, refusing to let her go. "What are you waiting for Lucy? Hell is waiting for us" his smile stretched wider and wider "don't you want to die with me?" Lucy looked up at Natsu with pleading eyes "Natsu..." 

"Don't worry Lucy, I'm not gonna let go! No matter what!" Natsu began to be lift Lucy up while Jackal was growling "what are you doing!?" Lucy turned and looked Jackal straight in the eyes. 
"No" Jackal's eyes widened in anger "Lucy, I said to let go!" Lucy shook her head as a few tears from Lucy dripped onto Jackal. "No, because I'm going to live for my friends!" 

"I'm going to live a happy life without you!!" She screamed down at him. "You don't deserve to live!" Lucy began to wriggle her hand out of his grasp "Jackal! I saw you as a friend, but you ruined everything!" 
"I'm not going anywhere with you, demon!!" 

Jackal began to slip off of Lucy, "I'm going to fall, you bitch! Hurry up and let go!!"


Lucy kicked Jackal in the face as hard as she could making him slip off her, His eyes were wide and full of horror as he screamed and fell to his doom. Lucy's hand was dangling lifelessly as she stared at Jackals falling body, she closed her eyes when she could no longer see him.

Everyone pulled Lucy up with ease, Lucy still stared at the cliff. Lucy shook and hiccuped, not believing that he was gone for good, Lucy let out an ear wrenching scream, releasing all of the feelings of hate and sadness she had kept in for so long. Natsu wrapped his arms around Lucy. "Don't worry Lucy, we're here now."

Erza gave Lucy a warm smile while the tears gathered in her eyes, Gray and Loke began to slowly cry too. "We've got you, Lucy" They all wrapped Lucy up in a tight hug. Lucy gasped as she heard calls in the distance "is that... everyone else?" Natsu was biting his lip to stop himself from crying at how close he was to losing Lucy.

"Lucy, I'll protect you, forever..." Lucy burst into tears and hugged all her friends even harder. 

"I-I love all of you!"


Almost a year Later~

It was almost a year later after everything that happened. Natsu kept his promise and protected Lucy, he even walked her home now, the sun was still high in the sky.

For Lucy, getting over everything that happened was one of the hardest things for her to do. Lucy would wake up crying after constant nightmares about the demon she loathed so much. She would be extremely paranoid that she was being watched, but worst of all she became less trusting. 

Natsu walked next to Lucy after they finished their job together, Happy was flying above Lucy before Landing on her head, Lucy let out a soft giggle while she pet him softly. Lucy's blonde hair was now slightly above her hip since she grew it out, Lucy had a few scars here and there, but she didn't care.

"So, Luce did you like the job" Lucy pouted and crossed her arms "well yeah it was fun, but..." she crossed her arms and glared playfully at Natsu "thanks to someone we didn't get the money since they destroyed the town" Natsu laughed, giving Lucy a slight nudge "come on, Luce! Cheer up!" The blonde let out a soft huff. In front of her apartment, Lucy could see a mail man placi ng an envelope on her doorstep.

"Well! We're here!" Lucy announced as they arrived at her apartment "hey Luce! Happy and I are gonna go back to the guild!" Lucy nodded and gave them both a small smile. "I'll see you there! I'll just clean up a bit first" She said while looking down at her filthy clothes "sure Luce! See ya later!"

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