I'll Kill you!

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Natsu asked himself. "Natsu!!" His eyes widened as he heard Lucy's voice. "LLLuuuucccyyyy!!!" He screamed while running, even more, knocking over trees and burning bushes to crisps. 

Natsu could see a clearing in the distance, then he saw two figures. It was Lucy and that bastard! A vein popped out of his head as he saw Jackal hold Lucy down with his foot, his hand was placed on the back of her head, pressing her into the ground. 

That's when he saw Jackal's claws raised above him, Natsu began to scream in pure rage. Just the sight of seeing Lucy being hurt by him enraged him. "GAAARHHHHHH!!" He ran at full speed towards them. using his strong hearing he could hear Jackal's evil laughter as he threatened Lucy.

"What's it gonna be Heartfilia?" Natsu sped up even more as he watched Jackal prepare to hurt Lucy. 


Lucy screaming and pleading hit Natsu's ears, urging him to speed up even more.




Natsu was almost right in front of them.


"Get your filthy fucking hands off Lucy!! You Fucking Bastard!!!"

Natsu's P.O.V

My fist went into flames as I slammed my fist into his disgusting face. He skidded across the ground, allowing Lucy to sit up behind me. "Natsu..." I could hear her sobs making me feel awful, I turned to her. It looked like she went through hell and back! All she was wearing was an oversized shirt that was ripped in multiple places. Her hair was dirty and had knots in it, hand marks covered her face, her eyes were dull and full of fear and dread. Covering her body were wounds that were either poorly wrapped up or simply left unattended to.

Veins popped out of my forehead as I turned back to the bastard who dared to hurt Lucy "you did this to her you fucker!? You'll be lucky if I don't tear you to shreds!" I rushed towards him with my fist behind me ready to punch the shit out of him. Strangely he just grinned sadistically and glared at me. "Haha, looks like you forgot about my curse huh, you flaming bastard! Detonate!" 

I screamed as I felt my fist blow up, I was panting in pain, but I managed to cover it with a grin as I remembered something. "Yeah well, I got a trick up MY sleeve, remember?" He tilted his head and turned away from me. "Hey Blondie, why don't you tell this asshole how much fun we had together?" I turned to Lucy who whimpered and crawled away in fear.

"Since Blondie is pretty shy, I'll explain myself, Blondie loves me just as much as I love her, but sometimes..." He jumped at me and threw a punch "she would be very rebellious, so I had to teach her some 'manners'" the sick fuck was about to punch me but I caught it "Love!?! What the fuck!? Is this your sick idea of love!!??" I shoved him away. "I can tell Lucy doesn't love you!" 

"I'm positive its the complete opposite!!" I kicked him in the stomach using my foot "gahh!! Detonate!" I ripped off my shoe and threw it at him. He began to giggle while his head hung low "Also... she is no longer 'pure'..." I stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes went wide with dread. 

He wouldn't go that far! Right!?

Natsu asked himself while shaking in rage. He wouldn't dare harm her in such an unforgivable and degrading way... right!?


The word rung in his head for what seemed like forever until he finally processed his words.

"You filthy mother fucker!! I'll kill you!!" Lucy's sobs became louder "explode!!" I felt the heat of the explosion, but I sucked in every bit of it. Through the smoke a fist came through and hit me. I stumbled back as I was hit with multiple attacks. "Natsu!!" Jackal glared at Lucy "you bitch! How dare you worry about him!!" I caught his fist and kicked him in the stomach again. "Don't you dare call her a bitch!!" 

I began a long series of punches on him, each one leaving a bruise, he stumbled back as he spat out blood. "You! Learn your place!" He lifted up his arm, but it wasn't aimed at me, It was aimed at Lucy!

"I told you to never say the name of another man!" I tried to jump in the way,but it was too late. It headed straight at Lucy, her eyes widened as she covered her face with her arms.

Before the attack could hit Lucy an ice shield blocked the attack. The smoke cleared, revealing Gray, Erza and Loke. Erza had her arms wrapped around Lucy, with Gray and Loke crouched down next to her. "You dare to hurt Lucy!" Loke yelled as he rushed to Natsu's side. Gray patted Lucy on the head as he stood up with a dark look in his eyes. "You'll be lucky if you're left alive!"

The mages all battled the demon who was obviously losing. Erza still had her arms wrapped tightly around Lucy as she tried to comfort her "h-he.. he-" Erza interrupted Lucy. "Don't worry Lucy, we're here now" Erza began to stand, preparing to fight, but Lucy grabbed onto her "n-no, please don't leave me alone" Erza gave Lucy another warm hug, "don't worry Lucy, we'll make sure he never harms you again."

Erza was now making her way towards the mages who fought viciously "Heavens Wheel!" The bright golden light shined brightly, lighting up the area around them. "Go forth my swords!" Jackal stared at Erza in pure fear. Loke stood back with Lucy as she was shaking uncontrollably. "Please... Get rid of him!"

Natsu happily obliged as he heard Lucy's words, "I'll make sure I get rid of him... for you, Lucy" After Jackal was brutally attacked by Erza, Natsu rushed forward "Fire Dragon Roar!!!" The bright red and orange flames burst from Natsu. Jackal somehow managed to dodge the attack "so... you guys wanna kill me huh?" His eyes landed on Lucy who was hugging Loke, his mind screamed to get her.

Taking everyone by surprise he rushed at Lucy, "no!!" Lucy turned as she saw him reaching for her with a grim smirk. She let out a scream as his hand wrapped around her wrist, but he was then punched my Loke. Unfortunately his grip on Lucy was so strong that he pulled her along with him.

Lucy let out a cry as she landed on the ground before before pulled up roughly by Jackal. "Well if I'm dying..." He stepped backwards towards the edge of the cliff with a manic look in his eyes. His smile could only be described as insane.

"Then I'm taking Lucy with me.."

 he growled. Everyone screamed and rushed towards him, Lucy let out a shriek. "Nooo!!! Let me go!" Jackal began to jump off, pulling Lucy with him she screamed and struggled fearing that it was the end for her. "NOOO LLLUUUCCCCYYY!!!" Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs as he, Erza, Gray and Loke rushed forth.

Natsu's hand grabbed onto Lucy's, he was holding onto her with all his might "Lucy!" Gray grabbed onto Natsu's legs and began tot pull with the help of Erza and Loke. Lucy looked down at Jackal as he tried to pull her down with him.

"come on, lets go to hell, Lucy" 


Btw guys the next chapter is the last chapter for this book :D

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