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Natsu sniffed the fresh forest air with his strong nose and viewed his surroundings with his sharp eyes. "Picked up anything, Natsu?"Erza questioned while searching around herself. "So far no, but if we head in deeper I'm sure I'll find something."

Gray and Loke were scoping out the area not too far from where Erza and Natsu were. The two mages headed further into the woods, until Natsu stopped abruptly, his pupils grew slightly smaller as he took a small whiff of the cold air.

"Lucy?" Erza turned sharply "Natsu? What's wrong?" He stared straight in front of him "Lucy! I smell Lucy!" He jumped and ran forward trying to catch more of her scent "Natu! Don't run off!"Too late. Erza stood there, shocked, but happy. "So I'll have to find the way myself."

Natus knew he was going to wrong way when Lucy's scent started to fade. "Ah shit" he made a sharp turn to hs right and smiled as her scent began to strengthen again. "Lucy!" He called out loudly with joy evident in his voice. 

Natsu began to hunch over a bit, until now he didn't notice how tired he was. While on the search to Lucy. he couldn't sleep properly when they would set up camps to rest. "No matter how tired and drained I am, I will not stop searching..."

Natsu panted before continuing on. He jumped over rocks and ran up small hills. He used his fire power and set it off under his feet to boost him off the ground. He soared into the air and higher on the hill. 

He wheezed and squeezed his eyes shut. "Come on Natsu, keep going, for Lucy" the Dragon Slayer whispered to himself. Behind him was the calls of his friends in the far distance, he ignored them and went on, needing to find Lucy.

His heartbeats echoed through his head. The bright sun looked as it was going to soon set.


"Well, where'd that idiot run off to?"Gray muttered while softly face palming as Erza explained what happened. I don't know, I lost track of him,he suddenly just told me he smelt Lucy and ran off" Loke smiled "don't worry" Erza and Gray turned to him "Natsu will defiantly find Lucy and thats all we want"

The Fairy Tail mages grinned "heh, he's still  an absolute moron though" Gray laughed while hiking through the forest with his comrades.

Erza could you point out the direction?" Loke asked politely while looking around "sure, we were both about... here! Then Natsu ran that way"Gray and Loke looked ahead of them and did see the path looked a bit damaged and burnt. "Yep, he defiantly went this way" Loke said while walking on the path, Erza and Gray following close behind.

The three comrades could hear the calls of Natsu as he screamed out Lucy's name. They could also hear trees being knocked over and things flying into the air. "We have to calm down Natsu!" Erza commanded while running off. "Why!?" Gray and Loke called after her, beginning to run as well.

"Because this guy that has Lucy could be alerted by Natsu and he will obviously take off with her!" Gray and Lokes mouths dropped and hung open in realization "hurry!"

Jackals eyes snapped open, his eyes narrowed and his ears twitched as his sharp ears could hear the voice of a human he hated very much. "That fire bastard!" He yelled loudly, barring his sharp teeth. He jumped off the bed now fully awake. "Oi, bitch get up!"He forcefully shoved Lucy off the bed. 

"We gotta go!" He began to pull her up to her feet "w-wha-?" He pressed a finger up to her lips "just shut up!" His fingers dug into her arm as he dragged her "what are you doing!? Let go!" Jackal began to mutter to himself "that flaming bastard!" Lucy's eyes widened as she knew who he was talking about "Natsu!?" Jackal shoved her out of the cabin and dragged her up onto her feet once more.

"No! Let me go! Natsu!" Lucy called out only to have Jackal cover her mouth and drag her away. Lucy began to struggle as he wrapped his free arm around her waist. his could be her only chance. "Stop struggling!" Lucy was so scared that Natsu wouldn't find her. If she could just break free.

The cabin was now pretty far in the distance, the large oak tree's began to cover its sight. Lucy's muffled screams were pointless as his grip on her mouth was strong. Lucy began to rip herself free from him, but he grabbed her hair and pulled her back. She let out a screech before his hand was once again over her mouth.

Jackal dragged Lucy farther as she was struggling. "Can't you make things easier for me!?" Lucy slipped her arm through his grip around his waist and pulled it back, grabbing onto Jackal's honey brown, shoulder length hair and began to pull at it, she managed to grab hi ear and sink her nails into it. The blood leaked out of it slowly. 

The demon let out and ear wrenching scream as he let Lucy go. She began to run in a random direction, climbing up a hill, running through bushes, jumping over rock and dodging trees. Jackal screamed and soon started running after Lucy. "Get back here!" His pace decreased as he began to run up the hill he saw Lucy running up. 

Even though her legs ached she still ran. She would stumble a few times. Lucy picked up the pace. "Got ya!" Lucy felt claws swiping at her back, scratching her. Lucy let out a scream and picked up her pace, not believing how fast he caught up to her.

In the distance was a clearing, Lucy ran to that clearing as fast as possible, still feeling his claws at her back. Suddenly, a hard shove to her back made Lucy topple over and smack onto the ground. Lucy looked up, feeling Jackal place a foot on top of her "where do you think you're going?" The two were at a cliff, Lucy could hear the strong sound of a waterfall crashing bellow.

Jackal bent down and placed a hand on the back of Lucy's head, shoving her face into the ground. "Now, why don't you apologise and we move on... or" Jackal's claws began to grow out again "will I have to make you?" Lucy whimpered and tried to get him off her. "What's it going to be heartfilia?" 


Lucy struggled and tried kicking her legs, she managed to lift her head up from the ground.

"Jackal, stop it!"


"Stop! Please!"




Lucy squeezed her eyes tightly shut and hoped he would change his mind and stop.

Jackal lifted his arm back, preparing to strike at Lucy.


"Get your filthy fucking hands off Lucy! You fucking Bastard!!"

Jackal turned in confusion, only to have a flaming fist smash him in the face, sending him skidding across the ground, eventually standing up,still shocked from the attack "You!"

There stood Lucy's hero, Natsu. His face was twisted into a disturbing scowl that even frightened Jackal. Lucy stared straight at Natsu she tried to say something, but no words would come. Her lip trembled and she shook, the tears began to gather in her eyes and pour down her face in pure joy. 



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