Chapter 1| First date

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Emma's P.O.V

I had just finished getting ready for our date, I had put on a baby pink dress that went down to my knees. My hair in a nicely done high ponytail and my make up as usual, I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror not because I was actually wearing a dress but I couldn't shake a feeling that tonight was going to be amazing!

Finally I snapped out of my daze and slipped on my matching heels and made my way down stairs, I stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for my parents reaction.

"Emma you look amazing,"
my mom said as she laid Neal down in his bassinet.

I nervously waited for my dads reaction figuring he would be the protective dad.

Finally the only word he could spit out was.

"you look beautiful honey."

I blushed as my mom snapped a picture of me.

"wow I really need my own place"
I whisper under my breath.

Then I heard it,  three strong knocks signalling Killian was at the door. To be honest I was a little nervous, what me and Killian have is it real? I question in my head, it must be every time his lips meet with mine I feel a connection or when I get lost in his ocean blue eyes is he my true love? my happy ending?

I stopped daydreaming and answered the door he stood there with one hand (hook) behind his back he didn't say anything just stared at me in awe, he finally replied.

",you look stunning swan"

I smiled because even though this man knew me very well he could still make me blush with a simple complement. He smirked seeing my rosy blush spread to my cheek.

My blush still visible and an awkward silence forming between Killian, I and my parents I continued to talk.

"you look-"
He didn't let me finish before he was already replying.

"I know, the same but I figured I would finally dress to part in this world."

I looked at him a little confused with one eyebrow raised up questioningly. He pulled his hand out from behind his back holding a single red rose with yet another smirk plastered on his face.

"Wow babe you really went all out didn't you?"

He smiled and nodded

"Only the best for my swan."

I walked over and placed the elegant rose in a little vase and walked back over to my amazing dashing boyfriend.

"Ahhh.... Emma?"
Mom said from her position on the couch.

I started to look worried as I noticed she was looking at Killian, I followed moms gaze to his hook but to my surprise I only saw his hand.

"Is that yours?"

"You mean my hand? Aye love the dark one kindly restored what he once took from me."

I smiled and interlocked both of our hands together.

"Well babe we should get going before my dad decides to give you his over protective dad speech or mom takes anymore pictures."

David shoots me a glare and a roll of the eyes when mom jumps of the couch and flashes one more picture of me and Killian before heading out.

I laughed and waved goodbye to my parents. Before we were about to leave I hear dad call from the couch.

"You sure you don't want me to drive you guys?"

I rolled my eyes
"We're fine dad!"

"Are you sure Emma?"

"Yup bye love you guys!"
I quickly say right before closing the door to not continue this on going conversation with dad.

After I close the door Killian wraps his arm around my waist snagging me closer to him as we walk to a nice little Italian restaurant at the edge of town right by the docks.

After talking, laughing, having some wine and eating supper we walked down main street yet again back to my parents loft.

We had finally reached the loft and we're standing right in front of the door. I shrugged off the black leather jacket he had given me on the walk home and leaned up towards his lips placing a soft lustful kiss showing him how much I appreciated tonight.

"Killian thank you again for tonight it was perfect."

He smirked gladly taking the complement of him planning a perfect night out.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it swan. Maybe another one soon?"

At this point our foreheads were touching and our lips only a few inches apart.

I smiled thinking of having another perfect night out with Killian.

"Most defiantly but only on one condition!"

Killian raised his eyebrow intrigued.

"What's that one condition swan?"

"You let me plan the night out."

He smiled before leaning back in once more for a kiss before pulling away and wishing me goodnight and telling me he couldn't wait for the evening I would plan.

As I entered the small cozy loft I softly laid my head against the door wishing the date didn't have to end so soon.

That's exactly when I heard moms cheerful voice ask how the date went.
I laughed seeing mom and dad in there pjs sitting on the couch waiting for me to arrive home from my date.

"What the hell are you guys still doing up?"

I laughed.

"We just wanted to make sure you made it home safe honey,"
Dad said sweetly.
That's when mom butted in asking a million questions at once like...

"Where did you go for supper? Was it good? Did you go anywhere after supper? Was there a goodnight kiss?"

I started to blush when dad interrupted

"And for instance that's one of the things I don't want to hear."

I couldn't help but hold in a laugh and turn on my heels up towards my room.

"Night mom! Night dad!"

I had finally made it up to my room and kicked my heels of and was now in comfy pjs as well when I heard mom and dad talk downstairs.

"She seems happy,"
mom said happily

"I guess he really has changed then," my dad says making me smile to see dad actually warming up to him.

I yell down stairs "you guys know I can hear you right?"
I heard mom let out a soft giggle as her and dad walked back to bed.

That night I fell asleep dreaming of Killian and our next date.

Ok guys I don't know if you've read the description but I'm re writing and editing this whole book start to finish so this is not an update just changing some things around and making sure they make sense.


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