Chapter 17

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Emma's p.o.v
I open my eyes to reveal my still pitch black room
I roll over and look at my alarm clock
I moan and close my eyes to go back to sleep
But as soon as I close my eyes a shooting pain spreads all over my body
In a matter of seconds there's another
Pain I try to control it
As I place a hand on my stomach and breath in and out
The pain fades away
But that's when I realize what's happening
I start to panic and try to get out of bed
But another pain starts up again
This times it's worse
I can't control my self as I let out a scream
I breath and get the pain under control
As I yell for Henry
I hear footsteps racing upstairs to my bedroom and the door fly open
Henry stands there with sleepy eyes
I speak
"Henry you need to go get gramps NOW!"
Another contraction attacks
And I moan as I place my hand on my stomach
Henry races downstairs and across to mom and dads apartment
I hear more footsteps coming upstairs
So I try to sit up
Dad enters with mom following close behind him
I looks at me for awhile stunned by everything
As I scream out in pain
Is when he comes back to earth and races over to me
"Emma what's wrong?"
I breath I and out several times before answering
"It's the's coming!"
With that he picks me up and carries me down to the truck
   Everyone jumps in and we start racing to the hospital
I feel Henry grab my hand and hold it
"Mom your only 8 months how are you in labour?"
I just shake my head
My whole body trembling in pain
I try to contain my screams and let out a few moans
The pain is horrible
We finally arrive at the hospital
Dad walks in with me in his hands
"We need Dr.whale NOW!!"
Nurses and Dr.whale come walking around from the corner
At that moment
They see me and rush me into a room
They start running tests and setting my room
I hear mom speak up from the corner
"She's due in a month is something wrong?"
Dr.whale looked up from his notebook
"It's looks like she has worked herself into early labour this happens if your doing to much work or a lot of stress, but the baby should be fine, and Emma your about 8-cm dilated we will start pushing at about 9-cm"
Dr.whale leaves and Regina and Robin come race in the room
She smiles at me and walks up to me
I try to smile back but another contraction hits me
I can't contain my screams
I feel someone place their hand on mine
I look up and see mom
"Just breath sweetheart!"
I nod and take deep breaths in and out
Nurses start rushing in and setting up
They order everyone out of the room
I give Henry a kiss before he leaves
And mom and dad are about to walk out when I stop them
"Wait mom dad I need some one, please stay!"
They smile and walk back up to me
Dad takes my right hand
Mom takes my left hand
Dr.whale enters
"Ok Emma on the count of three I need to to push!"
I nod my head
I squeeze mom and dads hand as I push as hard as I can
"Come on Emma you need to push"
"What does it look like I'm doing?!"
I yell
I push again I scream as loud as I can trying to dull the pain
"Come on Emma I need another push!"
Tears run down my cheek
"I can't"
I feel dad lean down and place a kiss on my fore head
And mom speak
"Emma swan you are one of the strongest women I have ever met you CAN do this!"
I nod my head and push with all my might
I squeeze the life out of their hands
As I moan out in pain
I hear a baby cry
And Dr.whale say
"Congratulations it's a girl!"
They hand me my baby girl
I smile as tears of joy run down my cheek
Everyone enters and congratulates me
Dr.whale was in my room when a nurse covered in blood ran in my room
"Dr.whale your needed now!!"
He nods and races out of my room
Just before the door closes I see a glimpse
Of a lifeless Killian, blood all over him
Tears line my eyes as
The door closes
I wipe them away before anyone can notice
Regina's voice brings me back to reality
"What's her name?"
I smile and think for a moment before replying
Everyone stays with me and Charlotte for awhile
Until a nurse come up to me with a sad impression on her face
She asks everyone to leave
So we can talk alone
Charlotte starts to cry so I rock her back and forth
This makes the nurse look at me with sorrow
As she speaks
"You were his only contact miss but I'm so sorry but Killian has passed way from blood loss"
She looks down and leaves me be
My silent cries fill the room
I think in my head as I hold our baby girl
Of corse I was mad at him but he wasn't suppose to die
He was suppose to meet our baby girl
She was suppose to have a dad
I still loved him
I was just mad
Killian I love you
You weren't suppose to leave us
Tears slip down my cheek
As I cradle my baby girl
So guys one last chapter left it won't be very long but I hope you enjoyed this chapter
But Killian died💔
That broke my heart to write
But stick around!


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