Chapter 16

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6 months later
Emma's p.o.v
I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes
I stretch and climb out of bed
Which is a struggle due to my huge belly
The baby's due in less than a month now and I couldn't be happier
But I'm also nervous
I didn't even raise Henry I don't know how to
Raise a baby Especially alone,
I hear Henry yell upstairs to me
"Mom you up?"
"Do you need help out of bed?"
I laugh
"Henry I'm pregnant not dying I've got it"
I get out of bed and walk down stairs to see Henry
With two bowls of cereal in his hand
I laugh and take a bowl as we watch tv
"Hey mom?"
I reply
"We're still not moved in"
I scan the room and look at the scattered boxes still full of belongings
"Guess your right kid!, we'll have to get gramps over here!"
Henry stands up
"Can I go get him now I've been practicing sword fighting and I want to duel him and kick his butt!"
I laugh
"Go ahead kid!"
He races out the door straight across to mom and dads apartment
Next thing I know mom and dad are walking in with Neal
I go over and hug all of them
They hug back
"Em what did you need help with again?"
Dad asked
I pointed to all the filled boxes then my huge stomach
He just laughs and nods
He starts lifting and moving boxes
As me and mom decorate
Henry and Neal play on the couch together
I smile at the sight
Then there's a knock on the door
Regina Robin and little Roland come through the door
Neal screams as he jumps off the couch and squeezes little Roland
The three boys watch tv
David and Robin are moving heavy boxes
Well me Regina and mom decorate
After we get everything put away
I call granny's
And order food for everyone
I'm about to walk out the door to pick the food up
When August walks through the door with a granny's take out bag in his hands
He has a toothy smile plasters on his face
He walks up to me and embraces me in a warm hug
As he places a small kiss on my cheek
I smile and call everybody to the table to eat
After that I hug and thank everybody for coming over
And they leave except for August
August and Henry were seated on the couch playing video games together
I finished washing the dishes up and started walking towards them
As I was halfway there I stopped dead in my tracks
As I felt a giant kick in my stomach
I smile and place my hand on my stomach
August stands up and races over to me concerned
"Emma what is it are you ok?"
"I'm fine!"
I take his hand and place it on my belly
I feel another kick
As he looks up at me with sparkles in his eyes
He smiles
"He's a wild one!"
I cross arms
"No way it's a girl!"
"Whatever you say!"
"Hey kid come here"
I take Henry's hand and place it on my stomach
I feel yet another kick
He smiles and says
"I can't wait till you have her!"
I smile and smirk at August
"Trust me kid me too!"
We all talk for awhile until August leaves
And I start to get light headed
I shake my head
"Henry I'm going for a walk wanna come?"
He smiles
"Sure sounds fun!"
We get are jackets and boots
We walk outside as the chilly November air blows by
All the leaves changing colours and falling
It Makes storybrooke even prettier
Me and Henry walk for awhile until we hit the docks
We see someone standing on the edge of the dock
He turns around and spots us
I see a glimpse of his face and feel goosebumps rising all over my body
As he starts running faster and closer by the minute
I grab Henry by the arm
And start walking in the other direction
But I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to us
I try to speed up but it's hard
I can feel Henry's grip around my hand get tighter when we hear
A thick Irish accent yell
Henry stops in his tracks
"Mom is it really him?"
"I- I don't know"
The man finally catches up to us and my fears came true
The man was the one and only Killian Jones
Fear spread all across my body as I pulled Henry behind me
And I pulled my jacket over my huge stomach
He started walking closer to me and my son
"Swan it's really you I've missed you so mu-"
I cut him off
"Hook what the hell are you doing here?"
He was taken back by hook
"Swan I came back for you! I love you and missed you so much I'm so sorry"
He leaned into my lips but I moved away
He opened his eyes with sadness lining his eyes his bright blue
Eyes now a deep blue
"Emma I'm sorry"
I laugh as tears line my eyes
"You're sorry that's it you tell me you love me and make me fall for you then out of the blue leave me alone
You broke my heart just like
Everyone else I've ever been with!
"Emma I'm..."
He stops and stares at my stomach
I follow his gaze to my stomach and yank my jacket over my stomach
He stutters as he speaks
"I-is it mine?"
A tear trickles down my cheek but I don't answer
He raises his voice
"Dam it Emma answer me!"
I lash out
"YES!! It's yours"
Hot tears stream down my face
He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes that were now back to their vibrant blue
He reaches for my hand
But I yank it away
"Emma please let me work this out let me explain let me fix this
I want to be in my child's life please
Emma let me fix this let me be a father to our child!"
He had tears running down his face too
"Its MY child you made that decision when you left us!"
More hot tears stream down my face
"Emma please let me explain-"
"Hook, GO NOW!"
I point back to the direction he came from
He frowns
"As you wish but Emma, I love you I really do please let me explain all of this let me be a father
His voice cracked due to the tears streaming down his face
"Emma you're my happy ending I love you more than anything
I would go through hell and back for you and Henry and now for this baby
I won't stop until I win you're Heart back
And I will win it Emma"
And with that he turned around and walked back to the docks
I wiped the tears flowing down my cheeks and held Henry's
He stopped me he hugged me tighter then ever
"Mom it's going to be alright"
I nod
"I know Henry"
I look at Henry and see he had tears falling on his cheeks too
I smile and wipe them away
As we walk back to the house quietly
As I sleep that night all I can think about is Killian
Where did he really go?
Did he mean everything he said back there?
Questions danced in my head all night long until
Sleep finally took over
And I sealed my eyes tight slipping into a peaceful darkness.
Hey guys I finally updated👏🏻
This book is almost finished and sorry it took so long to update
But thank you for the readers that have stuck with this book
I really appreciate it
And after I finish this I will be working on young love
I may also have another book on the way!?
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