Chapter 10

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Emma's P.O.V

after supper my mom scheduled an appointment for Dr.whale tomorrow to see if i was pregnant and if so how far along i am I really didn't want to go tomorrow what if I was pregnant I would have another baby alone the baby would never know who its father was, I felt warm hands around my stomach squeezing me tightly I turned around to see Regina in the doorway and Henry around my waist 

" I missed you mom!" Henry said happily 

"I missed you to kid"

"Thanks Regina, for dropping him off"

"No problem" They was a silence some what of an awkward one when Regina spoke again

"How you holding up?"

I looked up at her "Ok" I lied i was handing it horrible of coarse she didn't know I was pregnant 

she lightly grabbed my hand "It will be ok Emma" she lightly pulled me in for a hug 

"why dont I invite all of you to my house for lasange tomorrow night?"

I looked over at my mom who smiled and nodded I turned back to Regina "That sounds amazing"

"Ok see you then"she said as she closed the door behind her 

I turned around and started walking to the couch to watch some TV when I heard Henry

"Where is Killian?" I looked at him with pain and tears lining my eyes as I slowly close my eyes I feel my moms hand on my shoulder as she explains so I wouldn't have to go over it again, I soon feel his hands around me again 

"Don't worry mom it will be ok"

"I'm not so sure Henry" his face went blank I never called him Henry unless it was serious

"Whats wrong mom what are you not telling me?"

"Henry there's no easy way to say this but... I'm pregnant" the words just slipped out of my mouth

his face was surprised but then he hugged me again 

"I love you mom" I smiled 

"I love you too, hey kid its getting late we have a big day tomorrow we should go to bed he nodded in agreement as we walked upstairs together. we all still live in the apartment that only 3 beds snowing Neal's and Emma's and Henry's) me and Henry jumped in bed and slowly drifted off to sleep 

---: Next morning :---

               Still Emma's P.O.V

My alarm went off at 9 I rolled over to see an empty spot were Henry was suppose to be sleeping I jumped out of bed and walked into my closet I found some jeans that I put on and one of Killians old shirts I slowly picked it up taking in its salty smell of the ocean my eyes started to get watery so I quickly set the shirt down and found one to wear. I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad talking in the kitchen I interrupted 

"Wheres Henry?" 

"Oh Emma we didn't know you were awake but um hes at a friends"

I smiled and nodded as I looked at the clock 


'My parents both turn around as fast as they can

"Whats wrong?" my dad yelled

"We only have 10 minutes before we have to leave"

"oh yeah right the doctors appointment"

my mom handed me a hot coca as dad headed out the door to start the truck, as soon as dad left I heard my mom

"so Emma... how are you feeling?"

"Fine" I replie 

"No, Emma how are you really feeling?"

"Alone, Afraid , Unloved"

" Emma im sure everything will be just fine" I smiled at my mom as my dad walked in 

"We should be leaving now"

"ok dad be down in one minute" I grabbed my phone and quickly threw my hair up in a ponytail and raced down to the truck.

When we arrived at the hospital my dad filled out the paper wok and they set me up in my room he took a sample of my blood and left the room, I anxiously waited in my room alone I wished Killian was right here beside me holding my hand telling me everything was going to be ok and that he loved me but no he was probably in the enchanted forest with some other girl charming her, my thoughts got interrupted by Dr.whale,

"Well Miss swan were doing blood worm now we'll give you a call in 6 or 8 days"

I faked a smile and walked out to the waiting room where my parents were waiting anxiously 


Hey guys kinda a cliffhanger but is Emma really pregnant or not and where is hook we haven't heard from him yet please comment what you think and please vote this is my first fan fic and im trying my best!



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