Chapter 7

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Emma's P.O.V

(Few days since the monster thing)

I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans.
I pulled it out to see a text message from Killian, I quickly unlocked my phone and read the message.

K: Are you busy tonight love?

E:Nope im free, why whats up

K:Wondering if you'd go on a date with me?

E:That sounds great see you at 7?

K:Perfect love!

I glanced at the clock hanging in the sheriffs office, it was already 5:46 so I decided to leave work a little early to have a shower and get ready for my date with Killian.

I drove home in my yellow bug and hopped in the shower, quickly washing my hair and body. I had let my hair dry and it took a wavy kinda look so I left it.
(Emma's hair in season 6)
Next step was my outfit, I picked and pulled clothing from my closet but didn't really like any of them so I closed my eyes and pictured myself in a black knee length dress with lace straps and matching black heels. I finished the look off with light pink lip stick and a little eyeliner. Just as I had finished I heard three loud consistent knocks on the front door. I smiled to myself in my room 'Killan was just on time like always'.

I walked downstairs and opened the door to Killian dressed in a black button up and his dark black jeans with his black leather jacket. We both smiled at each other's appearances and linked hands walking out the building and down the street directly to his beloved ship the jolly Rodger.

He helped me aboard and when I laid eyes on the romantic dinner Killian had set up on the main deck of the ship her traded for me I couldn't help but smile.

He pulled my seat put for me then quickly pushed it back in and sat in his own seat, he poured us some wine and pulled out our dinner. We sat there hours after eating just talking and laughing.

We had finally ended up on the floor of the deck where we laid on our backs, his hands round my waist and my head resting on his chest as he pointed out different constellations telling me their name and why they were named that.

I pulled out my phone and glanced at the time, it was already 12:00.

I turned my glance to Killian.

"Hey it's already 12 I should be heading back soon"

Killian lowered his head to my neck and slowly started to kiss every inch of my neck. Making me giggle.

"Why so soon?"
Killian asks as his lips leave my neck.

"Well I don't have to leave if you don't want me too?"
I said raising my eyebrow questioningly.

"Why of corse love."

His hands were already around my waist and mine around his neck. Our lips meeting in the centre, at the touch of them there's a spark that spends chills down your spine and fills your heart with love.

Before I know it were downstairs in the captains quarters.

Davids P.O.V

"David lets go to bed"

"But Emma's not home yet?"

"David shes almost 30 she can take care of her self"

"I know your right sweetie let's head to bed"

I woke up the next morning to snow cooking breakfast. I went upstairs to see if Emma made it home last night and there was no sign of her so I quickly sent her a text.

D:Hey honey where were you last night and where are you know I'm worried sick.

E:I'm fine I'm at granny's but I stayed at Killian's last night

D: ok see you when you get home.

"Snow can you believe she stayed at hooks last night"

"Like I said David shes almost 30 she can take care of her self"

"your right its just shes my only daughter and we missed 29 years of her life"

"I know I tell myself that everyday, we missed her first word, her first step, her first ball, David we missed almost everything and that's why we have to live the ones that are happing right now"

David smiles and kisses me.

Emma's P.O.V
(Later after grannies)

I open the front door to mine and my parents loft.
I spot mom in the kitchen and dad in the living room.

"Morning mom, morning dad"

'Morning sweetheart"

"So how did last night go?"
Mom asked from the kitchen.

I turned and look at my mom.
I said blushing a bit.

Mom noticed me blush and she changed the subject.

"So Emma tonight is girls night does the saviour need a fun night out?"

"That sounds amazing!"


(Time skip)

Emma's P.O.V

Me and my mom were getting ready for girls night, I put on a tightly fitted red dress and mom put on a dark blue dress.

After getting ready me and mom left for the rabbit hole where we were all gonna meet as we walked in I noticed a table in the back with Ruby,Regina,Ashley and Belle all sitting together they had already ordered some drinks so we joined in.

We had already been here for hours guaranteed. Most of us were drunk or a little tipsy. By the end of the night we had played pool, darts and danced.

Everyone had got home safety and I would say everyone was pretty tired to because as soon as we got home mom laid down and was out like a light bulb.

Me on the other hand had a quick shower and changed into some sweats and an old tank top and laid in bed until darkness took over and I fell into a deep slumber.

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