Chapter 2

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Snow's  P.O.V

I awoke to Neal crying I turned my head to see what time it was, the alarm clock read 3. I slowly got out of bed to go feed Neal. As I stepped into the living room I was happily surprised in what I was seeing.

Emma's P.O.V

It was about 3 in the morning when I heard baby Neal he had started to cry.
"He must be hungry."
I mumble as I crawled out of bed, I walked downstairs to his crib, as I picked him up I tried to smooth him and make him stop crying.

"hey shh... its ok I'm here now."

I say as I slowly rock him back and forth. I walked to the fridge to grab his bottle I then sit on the couch feeding him, as he eats I tell him tales about our parents and there true love as I continue to rock him, he slowly drifts off into sleep in my arms.

I kiss his fore head and whisper
"I love you baby bro."
I say as tears well in my eyes seeing what I missed with Henry.

I lay him down and was just going back up to my room when I noticed my mom standing in the doorway of her room with a smile plastered on her face.

"Sorry mom he was just crying and I woke up so I came do-."
she didn't let me finish.

"Emma that was amazing!"

I smiled at her she walked over and gave me a big hug and whispered into my neck "Thank you."

She then kissed my forehead and said "I always new you had motherly love inside you."

She most have noticed my tears because she quickly wiped them away and embraced me in a hug.

"Emma sweetie what's wrong?"
I fought the tears back to speak.

"It's just I didn't get to do any of this with Henry. I missed his first words, his first smile, his first birthday. I missed almost everything mom."

"Emma I know exactly how you feel me and your father missed all of that with you, and the one thing we learned is to just be involved in there life now."

I smiled

"Thanks mom."
I say as I embrace her in one more hug before heading up to bed.

I laid in bed thinking of what just happened I smiled one last time as I felt my eyes tightly shut.

Snows P.O.V

I woke up at 9 I had a smile on my face

"charming must have let me sleep in."

As I rolled over I noticed he was still in bed I got up to see Neal was still sleeping, "he never sleeps in this much."I mumble to myself.

Then I remembered last night as a smiled appeared on my face.
I made my tea then decided to go see if Emma was up as I opened her bedroom door And seen her long golden hair scattered all across her pillow and her light snoring filling the room causing me to laugh because her father does the exact same thing.

I went back downstairs and started to make breakfast as I heard someone coming downstairs I turned around and seen Emma.

"Morning." I say

"Morning mom."

"So Emma do you think you could watch your brother tonight?"

She smiled at me and happily replied
"I would love to."

Emma's P.O.V

I had just finished talking to my mom when Neal started to cry, without a thought I reached down and picked him up comforting him,when I realized he had a dirty diaper I set him down and started changing him. Mom just smiled at us then I realized my dad was standing there looking at us.

"Emma what are you doing?"

"What dose it look like."I say sarcastically

"You don't have to." he said.

"I think I can change a diaper dad."

He just smiled and laughed.

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