Chapter 3- The Trap

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11:45 was the time Mako saw as he got up from his bed. He got dressed and got his stuff ready and left his room. He walked through the halls quietly and stopped at Bolin's room. He opened the door slightly and saw Bolin sleeping.

(Don't worry Bolin, I'll get him... For the both of us.) Mako thought in his mind. 

He left Air Temple Island and made his way to the ferry. He got on and made his way towards the Pro-Bending Arena. He entered and walked around. He remembered all those memories, the matches, and the training he did with Bolin here. He entered the arena and made his way towards the battle field. 

He stood there for about 20 minutes, nothing. He thought about leaving, but he couldn't, he had to find out who killed his parents. Mako's parents were mugged by a firebender. He killed them right in front of his eyes. He was eight. Mako started to tear. After his parents died, he and Bolin were living out in the street, trying to survive. Mako began to cry, he longed to find the mugger of his parents. He promised Bolin he would ever since that day came upon them.

"Well well well...." A voice said.

Mako got up and questioned the man to come out and show himself. The man eventually did, along with 10 other Equalist. Mako knew this was a trap and he tried running away. The Equalist ran after him, 1 of them got to him and Chi Blocked Mako's feet. He feel to the ground. Mako wasn't ready to give up and began to run again. He Fire Bended against the Equalist, but they were too quick. They dodged each attack easily. Mako turned around and saw Equalist in front of him. He was surrounded. He couldn't go anywhere without interfering an Equalist.

"You were very foolish kid... Seriously who comes here at 12 without any back up? I don't know what's up with kids nowadays. Attack!" the man said as the Equalist began Chi Blocking Mako. 


Mako tried dodging their attacks and fire bend at the same time, but they were too quick. They disabled Mako's Fire Bending and he was unmovable. He crashed to the ground.

"Pick him up." The man said.

"Ahh stop what do you want with me?" Mako pleaded as 2 Equalist grabbed his arms and had him on his knees.

The man came closer to Mako. He grabbed his face by the chin and said,"I'm not the man who killed them." He punched Mako right in his gut.

"Ahhh!!!!! Stop please!!!!! I'm begging you!!! What do you want with me?" Mako begged. 


The man punched Mako repeatedly in the stomach. Mako began tearing he couldn't control the amount of tears that kept on falling from his face. The man punched Mako 10 times in the same spot. The amount of pain Mako felt was unbearable.

"Let him go." The man said.

The pushed Mako to the ground. Mako held his stomach to decrease amount of pain he was feeling, but it didn't work. Mako began feeling faint and soon enough, he fell into unconscious. 


The morning began to rise, the birds chirping, and everyone started to awaken. Everyone went to the dinning hall and began eating breakfast.

"Where's Mako?" Bolin questioned.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him since last night." Asami answered. "It's kinda strange that Mako would miss breakfast." Continued Asami.

"He probably over slept" Tenzin replied.

"I don't think so, I'll go to his room and see if he's ok." Korra answered.  


Korra began walking out the dinning hall an into the hallway. She walked to the end where Mako's room was. She opened the door and saw Mako wasn't there. Korra stood frozen, Mako was not here. Korra began worrying, she didn't know what had happened to him.

(He could be hurt, missing. No that's not Mako. He wouldn't leave here for no reason.) Korra questioned herself. 


She ran back to the dinning hall and told everyone that he was not in his room.

"What!" Bolin yelled.

"Korra, are you sure he didn't go out for a stroll?" Tenzin questioned rather quickly.

"No he wouldn't! He would be here eating with us first!" Asami explained.

"I don't like the sound of this." Korra said worrying.

"Korra, Bolin, Asami, look around the island. I'll contact Chief Beifong if she's seen or heard about him out in Republic City." Tenzin responded. 


They nodded their heads and left. They searched everywhere. Every inch of the island, and no Mako. They reported back to Tenzin. He notified Chief Beifong, and she said she hasn't heard or seen him. She would also have a search party around the city.

"I'm going out to search for him Tenzin!" Korra said.

"As you wish, take Naga, that will make searching much more easier." Tenzin replied. 

Korra, Asami, and Bolin got Naga, got on her back and made their way to the ferry. They reached Republic City and started to search for Mako.

(Where are you Mako?) Korra thought as she, Asami, and Bolin began the search.

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