Chapter 18- Take Me Home

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Korra woke up in a pitch black room. She couldn't see anything, not even her palms that were right in front of her face.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

Nothing. Her voice echoed various times, but no one responded. She was all alone in here without anyone or anything to guide her out of here. Korra decided to get up, she was able to and began walking. She patted around the walls to find any light switch or door. Korra continued this for a while and couldn't move. She tugged her hands and legs only to find out chains were clipped on her. These weren't any ordinary chains. Korra sat down and began FireBending them, they wouldn't melt or break. She continued FireBending on the same spot, but no success. Korra stood up and began walking the opposite way looking for a light switch or door. After a while Korra decided to give up and sit down. She sighed and laid on her back. The floor was metal, she didn't know MetalBending, this was another unsuccessful way of getting out. She began hearing footsteps. Whispering of people she did not recognize. She heard the sound of keys and a lock being opened. Light shown yards away from her. There was the exit, and she couldn't get there.

"Oh.. That Avatar's awake..." A manly voice said as he began walking towards Korra.


Yuna opened her eyes. She was in her room, all her clothing was gone, the room was spotless, everything looked brand new. Yuna sat on her bed and began walking towards the bathroom. She walked in and looked at herself in the mirror. She was covered in bruises and cuts. She turned on the sink and began healing herself that came out. She let out a sigh and she felt better. The marks were shown, but she didn't feel them as much. She checked around her whole body, looking at bruises and cuts, healing them, feeling better by the minute.

"Ha... Healing is pretty easy now.."

Yuna walked out her bathroom and proceeded to Mako's room. She had to check up on him. Before she got there, she entered the kitchen, got a bucket of water, and headed back to Mako's room.

Yuna knocked on the door and headed inside. She saw a friend, a companion, a worried guy who needed his love badly. Mako tried making a smile, but he couldn't. Nothing was the same without Korra. She always enlightened the mood especially if Mako wasn't in a good mood. He missed her, he couldn't do anything, he still felt much pain in his stomach. Yuna kneeled next to him.



Yuna began healing Mako's stomach. He cringed, but he felt better after a while. She looked down and saw the brave on Mako's foot. It was going to take time to heal, but Mako would wait and search for Korra. When Yuna was finished healing, they both sat in silence. They didn't know what to say to each other. What happened yesterday was something neither of then were going to forget.

"Look Yuna....." Mako said puffing out not knowing what to say." I... I regret doing that... I'm sorry, but I do... I took advantage of you when Korra wasn't here.... I just-"

"Mako.. It's ok... It was just an accidental kiss that's all, right?"

Mako just nodded his head. He couldn't speak. He was filled with many emotions he just didn't know what to do. Yuna nodded her head as well and left the room with her bucket.

"Wait Yuna!"

Yuna didn't pay any mind, she just left the room in silence. Yuna went back to her room. She didn't want to be with anyone, she just wanted time alone.

Mako laid on his bed. He wanted to get up, go to Yuna and explain and confess everything. Mako lifted his upper body with his arms, but soon fell back as pain jabbed him into his stomach. He fell back and held his stomach. He couldn't do anything except lay in his bed. This angered him, he was helpless, everyone had to do stuff for him and he hated it. Tenzin came walking in his room. They greeted each other.

"I have Lin and her officers checking every point of this city in search of Korra... She will be found Mako!"

Mako didn't want to say anything, he just nodded his head and Tenzin walked out the room.

//I shortened this chapter because I have to go do something.... I'll bring a better and lengthy chapter tomorrow//

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