The Man Upstairs

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It had been 3 glorious months since that fateful Sunday in the male strip club, and Noah had become heavily pregnant with Jesus's son.

"Oh Jesus, I'm so happy to be pregnant with your dick-pic child," Noah cooed lovingly to his husband.

"Oh shit dude you still gotta meet my dad!" Jesus yelled directly into Noah's anus, so his child could hear the conversation too. 

"Lol ok Jesus love you," Noah hugged his holy baby daddy and with a bright flash of light, the pair had been teleported to a fiery place filled with people who looked generally unhappy with their situation. 

"Shit, wrong place!" Jesus embraced Noah once again and the flash of light faded into a beautiful palace made of clouds. 

A badass bitch approached the couple, "Ahh, son!" his thunderous voice boomed, "Fuck bitches and now you got a son?"

"Dad! how did you know!" Jesus's face turned into the surprised emoji, and God's became the laughing with tears emoji.

"You know what they say, fuck bitches get money, son" God laughed. Noah didn't understand what the statement had to do with their situation, but he hardly had time to question it. Within seconds, Jesus had attached himself to Noah with tentacle-like arms and they were standing in their living room once again. 

"Oh shiiiit!" Noah screamed, contorting his body so he could scream directly into his own anus, "What a cool bro!!!!"

Jesus x Noah: a romAnceWhere stories live. Discover now