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Approximately 3 days after the last chapter, Noah woke up next to a note from Jesus.

'Yoooo fucking bitches getting money. luv u -jesus'

Noah smiled at the note, he was glad Jesus didn't give up his career. Noah's smile faded quickly when he realized something: Jesus didn't even know his name! He knew Jesus was probably too embarrassed to ask, and so to save Jesus from be humiliated, Noah forged a plan. 

He would build a huge boat, an arc perhaps, and float away from this bullshit.

"Baby of my butt!" He contorted his body, speaking directly into his anus once again, "I'm going to build a huge boat, an arc perhaps, and float away from this bullshit."

Within hours, Noah had completed the boat, using the skills from his job to build it. Noah was a professional boat builder. He filled it with mice and plums, he originally wanted to use exotic animals, but the zoo caught him. Just as he was saying his farewells, ready to sail his sorrows away, Jesus ran up to hug Noah. Jesus slightly miscalculated his speed and ran directly into Noah instead, not even stopping after impact. 

"Noah! I love you!" Jesus screamed, unable to stop running. He ran off the boat and into the water to push the boat into the sunset. Noah's heart melted and he watched his husband slave away, not doing a single thing to help him. 

Jesus x Noah: a romAnceWhere stories live. Discover now