a message from the lord (of this story)

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Crunchy cried and screamed as his fathers dropped him off at daycare.
"You fuckinv assholes im your kid how could you put me in that place there are baby gangs, dads, BABY. GANGS."
Noah cooed comfortingly, "Awe poor crunchy... we have to go to work."
"I have to fuck bitches and get money, sweetie," Jesus chimed in.
"And I have to go build boats bc thats my job :(" noah said, stopping at the daycare that was 100% a front.
They took Crunchy inside and gave him to the large biker that ran the daycare and left.

Crunchy sighed as he was set down in the play area.
He crawled over to his poker table where babies were gambling pacifiers and crystal meth ring pops. He was the natural leader of the babies in the daycare, being the son of jesus and all.
He won the game, as always, and he had one of his goons shove his winnings into a diaper bag.

When nap-time had rolled around Crunchy had gotten remarkably grumpy. When the biker nanny tried to pick him up to put him to sleep, crunchy wiggled around until he fell to the ground. Crunchy had to act quickly or he'd be picked up again. Crunchy did the first thing that shot through his mind and punched the nanny's foot.

Crunchy was astonished when the foot exploded, sending bits of blood, flesh, and bone everywhere. The biker didn't seem to notice that his foot had been destroyed, because he just picked crunchy up again. Crunchy tested his punch on the man's chest and nothing happened.

'What the fuck is going on...'
crunchy thought to himself as he was placed on his sleeping mat, still covered in copious amounts of blood.


this story is continued in the next book 'son of the son of god: time to get crunchy'

thanks for reading hope yall stick around for crunchy

also: if y'all want a prequel to this in which jesus crispy christ himself is an alien then star this i guess?? or comment?? i need feedback to know if i should write another monstrosity

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