henlo baby

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After all the trials Noah and Jesus had been through during noah"s pregnancy it was finally time for the baby to be pooped out.

"Jesus! Honeybuns! The baby is being born!" Noah shouted as he layed down on the bed to give birth.

"What?? oh shit I forgot you were with child lmao oops" jesus swaggered in and sat at the end of the bed. 

"OK now push, sweet Noah." Jesus shouted. You may not have known this, but Jesus is a trained medical marijuana dealer so they didn't need to go to the hospital.

"aaaaaa" noah screamed as he pooped out the baby, crying at the same time because god damn that baby had a big head.

"Nyaa!" the baby winked and did that anime girl cat thing.

"Ahh shit its one of these kids..." jesus murmured as he cleaned up the baby and cut the umbilical  cord.

"But even though he is a weeb we will still love and care for him, right?" noah stood up, fully recovered from the birth.

"Yea I guess," Jesus said

"Nyaa!" the baby said happily. 

"So what should we name it?" Jesus and Noah asked in unison. The two giggled.

"well it was going to be jesus jr but that name doesn't really fit," Noah thought out loud.

"How about.... Crunchy!" Jesus screamed shrilly.


"Nyaaa!" crunchy hugged his dads and posed with a peace sign.

--20 min later--

Jesus gently coddled the baby Crunchy, his newborn son.

"Henlo baby

helllo you STINKY babby

go eat a milk ugly" jesus cooed as Crunchy drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Jesus x Noah: a romAnceWhere stories live. Discover now