Chapter 18

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A/N: Okay, you guy voted and it looks like who saves the day will be. . . . . well, you're going to find out!!


"Why am I here?" I demand, as the man stands in front of my cage.

"As bait." He smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure Cupquake won't last a day, and if she does, then I doubt Kat can go even a day without blood."

"Let me out!" I scream.

"Mario, Mario, Mario." He tsks. "If you scream anymore I'll have to punish you."

"I just want to see my family again!"

"Well, I'm sure they don't want to see you on death's door."

"Just let me out!'

"Fine. You get a little time out of your cage, and some torture." He snapped his fingers. "Okay, anyone thirsty?"

A vampire stepped up, and smirked, revealing sharp, white fangs. "I could go for a drink." He smiled.

"Good. I'll just go and check up on how Phase 4 is going." He said, and started to walk away.


"You have to let me film a video." I beg. "My viewers will start to get suspicious, and I promised them a video."

"You'll put in some type of secret code," Matt starts. "And Ian wouldn't be too happy."

"Please,  I promise I won't put in any messages. My fans just need one video." I say.

"And what is this game called?" Matt asks.

"It's a new one I downloaded from Steam."

"I asked what it's called, not where you found it."

I bite my lip. "It's called Every Fourth! Word."

"Lemme guess. This game is fake and you're copying from ICarly."

"I guess." I groan. "I can't get anything past you."

"Now, for attempting an escape, the punishment is a little torture." Matt sighs. "Sorry, you made me do this."

Matt snaps his fingers, and one of the vampires in my living room hands him a syringe.

"W . . . what's that?" I ask nervously.

"Why, I think it's something to make you a lot weaker so I can torture you." Matt grins mischeviously, and then, when I'm not looking, he injects, or more like stabs it into my arm, and then takes it out. I try and get up, but I fall back down onto the couch, physically weakened.

"Now, time for the fun part." Matt smirks.


I sit upstairs, trying to cover my ears as hard as I can. Instead of trying to cover up the voices, I'm trying to cover up Tiffany's screams.

I bury my head into my knees, crying.

"Why does this have to be my fault?" I whisper. "I need help. I need someone to help us."

I take my head out of my lap, and get off my bed, looking out the window.

"I can hear you voices, and maybe you can hear me this time." I take a deep breath. "I need help from someone. Anyone. I don't want any of this to happen because of me."

I feel a small vibration in the air, and then a small voice whispers in my ear, "You are being heard."

Unknown POV

"Hey, what are we eating for lunch?" My husband sticks his head in the kitchen, and I open the microwave.

"Type A blood." I say, taking out the bags of blood.

"Did you microwave it? That makes it taste weird." He says.

"That's too bad, because I like it warm." I say. "Anyways, video tonight?"

"Yeah, I found a cool map." He says.

Suddenly, I drop the bags of blood, and drop on the floor, screaming and covering my ears. My husband rushes over with supernatural speed and sits down beside me to comfort me.

"I need help from someone. Anyone. I don't want any of this to happen because of me."  The voice burns in my ears, and then I hear screaming in the background, and a guy saying, "Cupquake, I thought I told you there was no escape from Ian."

The voices fade away, and I look up, my eyes wide.

"What did you hear?" He asks.

"Someone needs help." I say. "Someone named . . . Cupquake."

He snaps his fingers. "IHasCupquake! But why does she need help?"

"Some guy said there was no escape from some person named Ian."

"Ian." My husband growls under his breath. "But since when would he target Tiffany?"

"I never thought Tiffany would be a vampire." I shake my head. "Do you know where Tiffany could be?"

"You're the hearer, here." He says. "But I may have her address from a Minecon. Let me go find it."

As he speeds away, I lean my head against the cabinet. "Don't worry, you are being heard."

A/N: Sorry I ended this short chapter on a cliffhanger, but you get to figure out who the person selected may be . . . Don't worry, I'll try and write the next chapter as quick as I can. Write your guess about who is rescuing Tiffany and Kat in the comments, and then vote for this chapter ;3 Seeeeee yaaaa

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