#8 - You Meet His Family

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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences

#8 - You Meet His Family

Luke: You stood next to Luke, feeling awkward and nervous as his family all gave him a hug, and saying how happy they were to see him. "You must be Y/N. Luke was right, you are really beautiful." A women explained, as she wrapped her arms round you. "Thank you Mrs. Hemmings." You mumbled shyly. "Please call me Liz." She said happily. You nodded as Luke's dad came over, to shake your hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N. Call me Andrew or Andy." Luke's dad explained as you nodded. "You're the girl who stole my baby brothers heart. I'm Jack, and this is Ben." A tall lad chuckled as he gave you a hug, and Ben doing the same. "I hope Luke's treating you like a princess." Liz squealed. "I am, but she's so stubborn." Luke chuckled, as you blushed. You were glad Luke's family liked you.

Calum: You were backstage at one of the one direction shows, you were waiting for Calum, and the boys to come off stage. You got up to get a drink of water, when you bumped into someone. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." You apologised. You helped the girl up, and picked up her bag, handing it back to her. "It's alright. Don't worry." A voice said. "I'm Mali." The girl introduced herself. "Y/N." You smiled. "I see you met my sister." Calum chuckled. You blushed and looked at the floor, embarrassed that you knocked Calum Hood's sister over. "Mum, dad. This is my girlfriend, Y/N." Calum introduced you. "Hi Mr. And Mrs. Hood. It's lovely to meet you." You exclaimed, as they each gave you a hug. "Cal was right, when he said you were beautiful." Mrs. Hood gasped. You smiled and hid your face in Calum's shoulder, making everyone laugh. You were glad, that you finally met Calum's parents, and his sister.

Michael: "I'm nervous Mikey." You mumbled. Michael looked at you, before kissing your nose lightly. "They'll love you baby. I promise." Michael reassured you, as he opened the front door and let you in. "Mum! Dad! I'm home." Michael announced. "Hi Mikey." His mum said sweetly. You walked into the kitchen and waved at his parents shyly. "Mum? Dad? This is my girlfriend. Y/N." Michael introduced you. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. And Mrs. Clifford." You spoke. "We've heard so much about you Y/N. You're just as beautiful as Michael described." Mrs. Clifford squealed, as she gave you a hug. "Thank you Mrs. Clifford." You blushed. "Just call me Karen." She chuckled. "Has Michael been treating you well?" Mr. Clifford asked. "He has." You confirmed. "Good! That's how we raised him." His dad chuckled. Michael smiled and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head. You were glad his parents liked you.

Ashton: Ashton pulled you close, as you sat in his front room. Today, you were meeting his mum and siblings. Let's just say, you were extremely nervous. "Baby? Don't be nervous. They'll love you." Ashton reassured you, as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "You promise?" You whispered. "I promise baby girl." Ashton chuckled as he held your hand. After an hour, you gulped when Ashton's family walked into the room. "Hi Y/N. It's great to finally meet you." Lauren squealed as she gave you a hug. "You're beautiful. Ashton doesn't stop talking about you." Mrs. Irwin gushed as Ashton groaned. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Irwin." You mumbled nervously. "Y/N? Can we hang out in the back garden?" Harry asked as you giggled. "Of course Harry." You smiled. After playing football with Harry, Lauren and your boyfriend, things had calmed down and you were sat together outside. "I told you, they would love you." Ashton murmured. You smiled and pecked his lips, causing everyone to aww'. You were finally part of the family.

Hey sunflowers. Another update. I thought I would give you some updates, cause I haven't updated any of my books in a while.

I'm sorry I haven't updated the toddler series, I'm just getting some ideas together, and welcoming their sibling. I'm just trying to get the ideas together and then I can write it down.

Question of the day: Favourite Panic! At The Disco song?
Answer: Mine has to be ... I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Hallelujah, But It's Better If You Do, and This Is Gospel. Comment yours below

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Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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