Chapter 3: Decisions and Decorations

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Brandon: hey, can you wait to tell me until after your party? I just don't want to make it awkward if you say no.

I was surprised. I thought that he wanted to know as soon as possible since I was supposed to tell him tomorrow. On the other hand, I thought it was adorable that he doesn't want awkwardness at my party. I texted him back and told him that that was fine and I would talk to him later. I was also a little relieved I would get more time to think. Since Brandon is the first guy to ever ask me out, I wanted to make sure that I made the right decision. When I went to bed, I thought about what would happen if I said either yes or no. I was thinking so much, I couldn't fall asleep. I was so sure of what I wanted to do before he changed his mind and told me to tell him later. I was a little irritated by it honestly. But I also thought it was sweet that he didn't want to make my party awkward.

I finally fell asleep and when I woke up, I wasn't any closer to making a decision than I was when I fell asleep. Today was my birthday so as I woke up, I was greeted with choruses of "Happy Birthday". I got ready for school, actually trying since it was my birthday. Once I was satisfied, I gathered my stuff and left.

I see Tiffany and Maggie as soon as I get to school.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they screamed in unison. While they were screaming, I saw Ashley walk up.

"Your the birthday bitch!" Said Tiffany and Ashley.

"Thanks guys," I said. "But Tiffany, Ashley, really?"

"What?" Ashley asked. "I'm the lovable bitch," she told us.

"That you are," I told her as I gave her a hug. We walked into the cafeteria. As we walked in, Brandon walked up to us.

"Happy Birthday," he told me.

"Thanks," I replied before walking away. I still wasn't sure of my decision.

I didn't talk or text with Brandon that day. I made a deal with myself though, that I would make my decision that night. My party was he next day, I needed to make a decision, quickly. After everything that my parents did for my birthday (cake, presents) were done, I went to my room and thought.

A couple hours later, I had made my decision. I liked Brandon a lot. I decided to say yes. I just didn't know exactly when to tell him.

The next morning, I woke up nervous. It was the day of my party and I was shaking, I was so nervous. Before the party, though, Tiffany, Maggie, and I were going to Panera Bread to study for Spanish. None of us were very good in Spanish, so we decided to form a Spanish study group thinking that three brains are better than one.

Maggie's mom picked us up. When she came to get me, Tiffany was already, as was Maggie (obviously), in the car. We began driving to Panera when Maggie begins to speak.

"So Amber, have you decided what you want to do yet?" she asked.

"Actually I have," I paused. "I decided to say yes"

"What?" Tiffany interjected. "Why?" she asked.

"Because I like him. I want to see if a relationship will work," I explained.

"So you are leading him on?" she asked.

"No," I replied. " I intend to stay in this relationship. I really do like him," I told her.

"Well, I hope everything goes well," Maggie said.

"Yeah I guess," Tiffany said. "But watch out, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Thanks," I told them. We then arrived at Panera and found a table before getting coffee.

We began to work on Spanish.

"Hey what page are we on?" Tiffany asked. I turn to her with a serious look in my eyes. Without smiling I answer,

"Page 394," I said with a British accent and pauses between the words. I spoke in Alan Rickman's voice. Tiffany and Maggie begin to smile and laugh and I joined them.

"Just kidding guys, we aren't due to start that for weeks," I joked. "Page 20 though," I answered truthfully. We worked in Spanish for about two hours before leaving. I was beginning to get nervous again.

Maggie's mom dropped me off with a promise from Tiffany and Maggie to see me in a few hours. I helped mom set up for a little while before I had to get ready. While getting ready, I couldn't stop shaking.

Once ready, I enter the living room and sit down and wait.

"What was I thinking?" I thought to myself. Before I could reply, there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the clock. 6:00 on the dot. Time for my party!

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