Chapter 4: Party Time!

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I look out the window before answering the door. I had butterflies... no, I had a whole zoo in my stomach. The animals quieted down a little when I saw that it was only Tiffany and Maggie.

"Happy belated birthday!" they screamed in my ear.

"Really guys?" I asked. "You just saw me three hours ago."

"We know," Maggie answered.

"But it's fun to annoy you," Tiffany said smirking. "Here take this," she said, shoving a present in my face.

"Thanks," I told her, trying to find a place to put it. I find a place on the table when I hear a knock again. I answer the door and Sarah is standing there. As Sarah is walking in, I see Ashley pulling up. They both come in and give me a hug. They set their cards with Tiffany's and Maggie's.

Tiffany, Maggie, and Sarah put their bags in my room since they are staying the night. As they drop off their things, there is another knock. I answer the door and it's Brandon.

"Hi," he said. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," I said, smiling shyly. By now I had more than one zoo... It felt like I had 1,000 zoos. He sits down on the couch and Sarah begins to talk to him. The only people that still had to come we're Anthony and Michaela. Since Anthony only lives one street away from me, we were confused that he wasn't there yet.

"Hey guys," Sarah said as she turned to us, "let's text bomb Anthony's phone to see where he is at." We, being the mean friends, and girlfriend, in Sarah's case, agreed.

Me: Hey Anthony... Where are you at? Everyone is here already except for you.

Sarah texted him, "hey... Where are you at? I miss you :(" while Brandon texted, "where are you?" From friendly, to mushy, to short, sweet, and to the point. That's just how Brandon is though, very direct.

Anthony: On my way now.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the front door.

"That was quick," I commented. "Even for one street over." I open the door to see that it's not Anthony, as I suspected, but Michaela.

"Michaela!" I screamed, giving her a hug. "Hi!"

"Hi Amber," she said. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks," I responded feeling guilty that I forgot she was coming. As she is sitting down, I see Anthony being dropped off.

"Finally!" I yelled to Anthony. "The party can officially start. Everyone is here now. Oh but take your time. No rush," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up Amber," he said poking me in the side. I squeaked loudly (like I always do). He gives me a hug while saying "Happy birthday." He goes and sits on the couch next to Sarah. I close the door for the final time and sit down. On the couch the order from left to right (if you are facing us) is Sarah, Anthony, me, then Brandon. I know Sarah and Anthony did that on purpose. Maggie is sitting on the chair perpendicular to the couch while Ashley is on the rocking chair next to the chair. Tiffany and Michaela are sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall across from us on the couch.

We began talking about anything and everything. I was participating in the conversations, but I was disengaged from it at the same time. I didn't know when I was going to tell Brandon. Sarah knew that I was going to tell him at some point. She kept glancing over at me and giving me these looks saying "tell him" with her eyes. I was getting ready to tell Brandon when my mom came in and told us that it was time to eat.

I felt relieved. I wasn't ready to tell Brandon yet. I wanted to wait until we were alone so I could tell him in private. Once we finished eating, we began to talk again. We talked for a while, but then I felt my phone vibrating in my hand.

Sarah: when are you going to tell him?

"Wow," I thought. "Did she seriously just text me to ask that?" I began to type out a reply.

Me: I don't know. I want to tell him in private because I don't want everyone around. You know?

Sarah: I understand.

She said she understood, but she still kept glancing toward me and Brandon. I was getting frustrated with her. It kept building before I finally exploded with another glance from her.

"Fine! Yes Brandon, yes," I screamed. Michaela, Ashley, and Brandon looked at me confused.

"For what?" he asked.

"From what you asked Thursday..." I trailed off, incredulous that he didn't know what I meant.

"Oh cool," he simply stated.

"Cool?" I thought. You would think he would be a little more enthusiastic about it. I had just agreed to be his girlfriend.

"Wait...," my mind thought. "I just agreed to be his girlfriend, that means he is my boyfriend!"

With this thought, I smiled, overcome with happiness. This was the happiest that I had ever been. I had a boyfriend! My first boyfriend to be exact.

After a few minutes, we all began to get warm, so we all went outside. Anthony, Sarah, Brandon, and I went to the front yard. Brandon went more toward the front and looked up at the stars, while Anthony, Sarah, and I stayed back.

"You should to give him a hug," Sarah suggested.

"Okay," I said. I had been thinking about it before she suggested it and I really wanted a hug from him. As I walked toward him, I began to get a little nervous. This was our first interaction since I had said yes. I step behind him and take a deep breath.

"Hi," I say timidly as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, leaning my head forward.

"Hi," he replies, relaxing into my embrace.

He didn't relax for long though. He began to lead his head backward. We bumped heads.

"Sorry," we both said in unison. We stepped away from each other, standing awkwardly. Luckily everyone came around front and convinced us to come inside. We put in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" to watch while waiting for everyone to be picked up.

Brandon left first. I gave him a hug and we didn't bump heads his time! Anthony left with Brandon and he and Sarah said goodbye. Ashley and Michaela then left. We stopped the movie and Sarah, Tiffany, Maggie, and I went to my room to get ready for bed. Maggie slept on the bed, Tiffany next to the bed (on the floor), Sarah next to my dresser, and I was between them. We began to talk. We asked questions like ones usually asked at a sleepover. Right before we fell asleep, we started asking personal questions.

"Amber, would you ever kiss Brandon?" Sarah asked. I though about it before I answered.

"I don't know. I mean we only started out relationship a few hours ago. And I never kissed anyone before, so I don't know."

"Oh," Sarah said. "I would kiss Anthony."

"No one cares Sarah," Tiffany sassed. Tiffany didn't really like Sarah. She thought that Sarah was annoying, which she sometimes was.

"Well I'm going to bed," I said before Sarah and Tiffany got into it.

"I am the happiest person alive," I thought before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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