Chapter 9: Homecoming

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I walk into school the first day of my sophmore year, ready to kick-ass! I had an amazing summer. I talked to Joseph practically every day over the summer. And, thanks to Tiffany, I got over Brandon. I remember when she got me to delete the breakup text, which I had locked and saved. It was around 3 AM and I was sleeping over at Tiffany's house. She saw my phone and the text. She kept trying to convince me to delete it, but I didn't want to. I wanted to keep the text.

"Dude, seriously, you're never going to completly move on until you just delete that stupid text message already. Seriously, it's for the best, trust me," she told me after I said that I wasn't going to delete the text. I looked at my phone and thought about what Tiffany had told me. She had a point, I wanted to move on. I was almost there, and this text was the last thing holding me back from moving on. I knew she was right. I opened my texts, and looked at the message, contemplating what I was about to do. I unlocked the text, and opened the option to delete the text. The message of "Do you want to delete this message?" popped up and I took a deep breath and hit "Yes". "Messgae deleted" the screen said. I felt a weight off my shoulders. I finally did it. Tiffany saw what i did and smiled.

I was glad I was over Brandon. It gave me the chance to truly move on and go foward with Jospeh, holding nothing back.

Homecoming soon arrived, and I was excited, despite never going to a high school dance yet. This would be my first and I was excited. I wanted to go with Joseph, but he never gave any indication of even wanting to go to the dance.

The weekend, before the dance, I texted him and asked if he was going. He told me he wanted to, but he didn't really know anyone else going. This was my chance I told myself. I could just ask him to hang out with us and then he might go, not with me, but I just wanted to go and hang out with him. I suggested it to him, excluding the part about wanting him to go with me of course. He agreed, thinking it was a fantastic idea. I inndeiatly texted Tiffany and told her, extremely excited about everything that was happening.

By Monday, I was getting even more excited for the dance. I was riding the bus home, listening to me iPod, when an insane thought popped into my head, What if I told Joseph I liked him at the dance? I immediately dismissed the thought, knowing I would never do it. However, it got me thinking, what if I did? I would get it off my chest and I might be able to finally act on my feelings. Keeping this in was hard. However, I was nervous. What if he rejected me? I don't think I would be able to handle that. I didn't know what to think, so I texted Tiffany and April to get their opinion. April and I had become a lot closer in these last few months, despite the fact that she was still dating Brandon. She had made it into the higher orchestra, and we were stand partners, causing us to talk more and get closer. They both said it was up to me, and I should do whatever, but they will support me no matter what I decided.

After thinking about it, I decided that I should tell him. I enlisted the help of April and Tiffany though, asking them to tell him if I chickened out. They agreed though we all thought i should be the one to tell him.

Later in the week, I was walking to orchestra sectionals after school when I heard my name being called multiple times.

"Amber, Amber, Amber!" I heard. I turned and saw it was April, also walking to sectionals.

"Hi April," I said, confused as to why she was so excited.

"I have good news for you!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked getting excited.

"Well... Joseph may like you," she said.

"What?" I screamed. "Really?" I was in disbelief.

"Yeah. I asked him at lunch today and he kinda avoided the question. But I kept asking him and he finally said 'maybe...' in that voice you know? Where you mean yes but you're not going to say it." she told me.

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