Torture & Passion

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Chapter 4:

   "Harry, get up, now." I heard a beautiful voice say and my eyes snapped open as my legs were thrown over the side of the bed and then I fell off and landed hard on my arm. "Ow!" I squeaked out. I finally opened my eyes and saw a pair of shoes in front of my face. "Get off the floor." I looked up and saw Louis standing there. Why was he being so rough?

    "Hurry up!" He said as I picked myself up slowly from the ground. He sighed in impatience and gripped my arm, pulling me off the ground, and, although I didn't like it, I felt a course of electricity rush through me from his touch. I stood upright and he let go of my arm. "Follow me." He said, and I nodded as he turned around and led me out of the door. We walked down the hall and he stopped at a door at the far end of it. I looked back in the direction we came from, the exit had to be that way, but I couldn't run now, I couldn't, I had to wait.

   Louis opened the door and the room was dark. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room after him. There was a dim light in the room and I saw Liam and Zayn standing along the wall. "Sit." Louis said and I was pushed into the chair that was in the middle of the room. By now my heart was pounding because I didn't know what was going on and it didn't help that I was woken up in such a rushed way.

   "What am I doing here?" I asked Louis, but he just gave me a small smile that screamed wicked, but it gave me butterflies. I looked over to Zayn and Liam, waiting for an answer, but they were silent. "News is that your parents are back at home." Louis said and my breath caught at that. I had no idea what would happen now that they were back, but what Liam said to me before rang through my mind. "I'm not really supposed to say, but I'm thinking Louis is going to use this as a ransom. Get more money from your parents than we were originally going to steal." It was all about money.

    "So we were thinking of giving them a call." Louis then reached into his pocket and took out his phone and a piece of paper. "Home number wasn't really hard to find." He commented and then began to enter the number into his phone. He pressed speaker and then the ringing of his phone filled the silent room. My heart was beating so fast, and I didn't know what to expect.

   The voice that answered was a voice that made me long to go home even more. "Hello?" Niall answered in a worried voice. He was at my house? How long has he been there? "Hello?" Niall asked again, and I felt tears build up in my eyes at the sound of his voice. Louis gave me a pointed look and my voice cracked as I spoke. "Niall." I said and it was so faint, but Niall heard me, and he immediately responded.

    "Harry? Harry, are you okay? Harry, talk to me, please." He said and his voice was shaky. I can only imagine how scared he is about this whole thing. I opened my mouth to speak, but Louis spoke instead. "He's fine for now." He said and there was a cold chill to his voice. He sounded nothing like he did yesterday when he brought me to his room. This was a completely different Louis in front of me.

    "Who is this? Leave Harry alone!" Niall said, and I heard the rage and hurt in his voice. I felt even worse now for all of the times I hurt him because he cared so much for me, but I never gave him chance. I still don't see him as more than a friend, but hearing how upset he was hurt me deeply. "Harry will remain unharmed if his parents do as I say." Louis said. "So where is the lovely Styles couple?" Louis said and tears were finally rolling down my eyes. I missed my mum and dad so much. I wanted to see them again.

   "They're busy setting up a search for Harry. And we will find him." Niall said and it sounded like a promise. Louis smirked at that and said "You might, but he might not still be a part of this world." I noticed Zayn tense at that part and Liam seemed to look away, his eyes squeezing shut.

    "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM! HARRY!" Niall screamed into the phone, and I began to cry harder. I tried snatching the phone from Louis, but he just moved his hand out of the way and motioned to some rope. Zayn slowly walked over to it and then came back to me, looking me in the eyes before tieing my hands behind my back. I cried desperately, I didn't want Niall to worry about me. He had enough problems in his life, he shouldn't have to worry about me.

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