Staying Strong and Breaking Down

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Happy Easter! AND MIND OF MINE IS AMAZING!!! Anyways, sorry for taking a while to update. School kills me! Please enjoy this chapter. We are super close to an end, and I will probably be making an announcement next chapter. Love you all!

Chapter 32:


There was so much drama in the house now. Harry walked around like nothing mattered anymore, Louis seemed to avoid everyone, and whenever he and Niall just happened to be in the same room, they would end up yelling and fighting with each other. It was frustrating and exhausting.

"I hate this!" I sighed out as I laid in bed beside Liam. Everyone else went to sleep a while ago, I made sure of that. Didn't need another random fight between Louis and Niall tonight.

Liam wrapped his arms around me and said "I do, too. I'm all one for being there for your friends, but this... this is just getting to be too much." I nodded, agreeing with his statement.

I groaned and snuggled my face into Liam's chest as I said "Why can't they just make up already?" We both knew who I was implying in that statement, and I felt Liam shrug a bit as he traced random patterns onto my back, making me shiver a bit from his touch.

"I don't know. I know that they are both dealing with quite a bit of things right now, though. I think it has more to do with their own fears and insecurities. Nothing will be resolved until they get over those. But I know they'll be fine. They have to be. Those two are meant for each other." He said.

I nodded before snuggling deeper against Liam and closing my eyes. I wasn't planning on sleeping yet- just enjoying Liam's hold on me. It was always so warm and inviting, and I couldn't help but love him even more in these moments.

It was silent until Liam spoke up again. "Zayn, do you feel like we're meant to be together?" He asked, almost in a fearful tone. I looked up at him, seeing that he actually did look a bit fearful and hesitant about his question.

"If you mean like soul mates and stuff, I don't know. I don't really know about that stuff." I said, and he looked a bit hurt by my words, probably hoping for a simple yes from me. Still, I wasn't finished, and hopefully what I had to say would make him feel better.

"I don't know about that stuff because I have never felt this way before about anybody. I've never been so in love with someone until you. I've never truly wanted someone until you. Would I love to spend the rest of my life with you? Yes. Do I know if that will happen? No. But I do know that this... being together... it feels so right." I finished, and Liam stared at me intensely before leaning in and kissing me.

I immediately felt him begging for entrance, and I immediately allowed him it, letting our tongues brush together. The taste of Liam was very addicting, and I won't ever get use to it.

He broke the kiss and trailed his way down my neck as he said "God, I love you so much, Zayn." I breathed out a reply of my own love for him, and I felt my whole body getting hot as every little thing he did began to turn me on.

"Liam... fuck!" I moaned out as his hand traveled down my chest and his lips found my soft spot. I was thankful that we were hardly wearing any clothing, considering the fact that we were going to bed. I only had on sweats as Liam had on boxers. It made everything feel hot and heavy so quickly.

"Do you want to top, Z?" Liam asked me, trailing kisses down my chest. It all felt so good, and Liam felt so good inside of my last time, but I really wanted to just ram into him repeatedly. And I knew he would let me do that if I wanted to.

I flipped us over with no warning and kissed him again before my hands traveled to his thighs, lightly trailing my fingertips up towards his boxers. I felt him shiver from the touch as he moaned into my mouth. "Zayn, I need you. So badly." He whimpered.

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